Update Provided By:
- No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf
- We raised $975 for the Staff Senate Scholarship at this spring’s vendor show.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols
- Next Meeting May 5, 2021 @ 1:00pm via Zoom.
- DSU Staff Senate will be hosting an employee social on Wednesday, May 19th as a “thank you” to a job well done this academic year.
- Three were given emeritus status this year. We congratulate them and thank them for their years of dedication to Dickinson State University.
- Joanne Fields – 18 years
- Donald Tormaschy – 22 years
- Anthony Willer – 16 years
- The lists below are the various staff members who are exiting their roles as senators and those who will be serving our staff for the upcoming year. We appreciate their hard work and willingness to volunteer in these roles. These seats will be in effect as of July 1st, 2021.
- Senators Continuing Terms
- Johnna Douthit – Assistant Director/VA Certifying Official | Academic Records
- Laura Fetting – Technology Education Coordinator | Information Technology Services
- Christopher Meek – Director | Financial Aid
- Wynter Miller (Incoming President) – Director/PDSO | Multicultural Affairs
- Josh Nichols (Ex-officio, Past President) – Creative Services Specialist | University Relations
- Stephanie Osborne – Professional Advisor/Career Development Specialist | Student Affairs
- Samantha Wohletz – Online Professional Advisor & Testing Center Specialist | Student Opportunity and Resource (SOAR) Center
- Newly Elected Senators
- Alecia Dukart – SoBE Coordinator | School of Business and Entrepreneurship
- Alicia Erickson – Development Officer – Alumni | DSU Heritage Foundation
- Laurie Heick – Administrative Secretary | Department of Mathematics & Computer Science & Department of Natural Sciences
- Mikka Maher – Controller | Business Affairs
- Betsy Murphy – Administrative Assistant | Department of Health & Physical Education & Office of Intercollegiate Athletics
- Monica Watson – Professional Advisor/Tutoring Center Specialist | Student Opportunity and Resource (SOAR) Center
- Exiting Senators
- Cassidy Dolechek, University Communication Specialist | University Relations
- Connie Klein – Payroll Manager | Human Resources
- Jennifer Zier – Office Assitant | Human Resources
- Senators Continuing Terms

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- No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman
- Guests: President Dr. Van Horn and Vice President Academic Affairs Dr. Tami Such discussed the budget and answered our questions.
- Spring/Summer Association Meeting – discussed to host in June. Heather would like to survey the staff on what efforts from Staff Senate are appreciated versus not to re-evaluate our efforts.
- Terms of Senators – Secretary shared proposed plan for identifying terms for senators who take over roles after the previous senator leaves MaSU/Senate.
- Int he works: Gratitude Campaign activities, Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer Project, Farmer’s Bowl.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson
- Lauralee Dammen, Administrative Assistant in IT Central, was named Minot State University’s March High Five Award winner.
- Student Health and IT received Department/Team Shout-outs in March.
- Election committee is tallying the election results and working on electing staff for the upcoming year.
- Staff Satisfaction survey is open for staff members to complete and is due at the end of April.
- Special Events Committee held a silent auction and raised $1,000, this year’s recipient will go to the Minot Homeless Coalition.
- Public Relations committee has been busy with Dine to Donate events and will be wrapping up our last one in May.
- Staff Senate provided $1,000 to do a 1:1 match on MSU Giving Day, we raised $855 on giving day for a total of $1,855 to put towards our Staff Senate Scholarship.
- Currently updating our Bylaws and Staff Handbook.

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- No updated submitted.

Update Provided By:
- No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill
- Elections complete: Senate VP-elect is Paula Cox. She will work with Incoming Pres. Brian Schill on UND Staff Senate matters. Elections were very successful overall – large number of new and returning senators for May 2021 (roster almost full).
- SS Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with Pres. Armacost.
- April guest speaker was Dr. Sean Valentine re: “Motivation in the Workplace.”
- SS collected donations for a staff member who lost her home in a fire.
- The April “Coffee with Kathy (Armacost)” was very successful (again).
- Senate VP Brian Schill leading State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group; held second meeting now with reps. of two universities’ tuition waiver/enrollment staff.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- April events: Spring Fling, Barry Brode on “Optimism 101” were both successful and well-received.
- Future events: Staff bingo forthcoming.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter
- We are planning an in-person Employee Recognition dinner at a big local venue.
- The Parade Rally in the Valley be taking place this summer and VCSU will have a float in the parade.
- We are also trying to plan a staff picnic that would take place in May.
- We are continuing our “Difference Makers” awards and will be posting recognition on our website.

Update Provided By:
- No update submitted.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford
- We announced the winner of our yearly scholarship.
- April 21 we had a trivia afternoon with prizes awarded.
- Our bi-monthly teams coffee chats have been very successful in keeping people interacting.
- Working on new senator nomination and elections.