Update Provided By:
- No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf
- Election of Officers was held:
- President: JaLee Lynnes
- Vice President: Carissa Pollman
- Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Vestre
- We welcomed our New Senators:
- Student Services: April Abrahamson
- Plant Services: Chris Nero
- IT: Josephine Leader

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols
- Next Meeting June 2, 2021 @ 1:00pm via Zoom.
- DSU Staff Senate hosted a well attended employee social on Wednesday, May 19th as a “thank you” to a job well done this academic year. There were refreshments, a raffle, and even an opportunity to try out some esports equipment.
- The Staff Senate scholarship committee is currently reviewing applicants for 2021-2022 awards.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman
- LRSC All Campus Meeting May 7, 2021
- LRSC Staff Senate Meeting May 11, 2021
- LRSC Graduation May 14, 2021 (10:00am)
- LRSC Nursing Pinning May 14, 2021 (1:00pm)
- LRSC Staff retreat and planning meeting May 18, 2021

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman
- Finalized the Spring/Summer Association schedule and the Office Olympic Games to follow.
- Discussed the Staff Senate survey that focuses on staff events/goals for campus/committees and the preferred methods of communication.
- Briefly discussed our dress code policy in comparison to other institutions.
- Started planning Fall events, such as Homecoming and Farmers Bowl.
- Senators who have served their terms: Susan Cordahl, Shannon Hofer, Teri Wright. We thanked them for their service to Staff Senate.
- Upcoming Events: Staff Association Meeting

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson
- Mainda Kragh, Research Associate for North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD), was named Minot State University’s April High Five Award winner.
- Elections have concluded, 14 new members have been elected/re-elected for 2021-23.
- Lindsey Benson, Financial Aid
- Dianne Bosser, NDCPD
- Sydney Clark, Enrollment Services
- Linda Conn, Teacher Education and Kinesiology
- Abigail Graves, Residence Life and Housing
- Celeste Hauser, Registrar’s Office
- Penny Lipsey, Facilities Management
- Holly Major, POWER Center
- Kelli Marchand, Financial Aid
- Heather Martin, Academic Support Center
- Matthew Murken, Men’s Basketball
- Jessica Reiswig, NDCPD
- Kelli Sem, POWER Center
- Doug Tiedman, Office of Instructional Technology
- Paul Stroklund will be the 2021-22 Staff Senate President, officers will be elected in our June meeting.
- Special Events Committee presented a check for $1,000 to the Minot Area Homeless Coalition, funds were raised from our spring Silent Auction.
- 50:50 Raffle: sold 370 tickets (over 100 more than our previous best). We gave away 20 cash prizes ranging from $500 to fifteen $50 winners. After prizes were given away, we earned $1,925 that we will put towards our Staff Senate Scholarship.
- Public Relations Committee will hold it’s last Dine to Donate event for the year at Starving Rooster on May 25.

Update Provided By:
- No update submitted.

Update Provided By: April Helgaas
- NDSU Staff Senate held elections at the May 5th meeting. Fred Hudson was named President Elect, Joshua Schroetter assumed his role as current President, Shiloh Susag was named Secretary, and several other elected committee positions were filled.
- The Gunkleman award ceremony was held on Friday, May 7th. Susan Council, senior academic advisor in the College of Business, was recognized with the Mary McCannel Gunkelman Award. The annual honor is given to the person who makes the most unselfish contribution to creating a happy environment for NDSU students. A virtual ceremony and reception were held via Zoom honoring Council and the other 31 award nominees.
- NDSU Staff Senate Campus Engagement committee will hold a blood drive on June 16th.
- NDSU Staff Senate Recognition committee has just completed the nominations for the NDSU Staff Recognition awards. These awards will be announced at a virtual ceremony held during the June 2nd NDSU Staff Senate meeting.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill
- SS Committee (co-)chairs set; assigning senators to committees now.
- Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
- Finishing up SS monthly calendar and 2020 annual report.
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relatiosn Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: Staff bingo moderately well-received; planning for July potluck event outdoors; the (last of the year) May “Coffee with Kathy (Armacost)” was very successful.
- Senate discussing partnering with UND on new staff mentoring program AND working with HR and HRC on staff “emergency” fund.
- Senate will vote on “health resolution” at June meeting.

Update Provided By:
- No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens
- Dr. Bernell Hirning will officially start July 1st as our new President.
- Tanya Vachal will start June 1st as our new HR.
- We will start our Wednesday BBQ’s this week.

Updates Provided By:
- No update submitted.