Update Provided By: Roni Martin
- Poly Tech curriculum development was talked about, possible 4 year programs.
- Advertising and marketing ideas and areas.
- Employee Success committee, boo grams and new hire welcome gifts.
- Professional Development Committee, Survey on how to spend education development funds.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes
- We held a bake sale to raise funds for Phi Theta Kappa student sponsorships. We raised enough to sponsor 3 students.
- We hosted a pumpkin decorating and costume contests. Our Student Senate helped in judging the entries.
- We are planning our Holiday Social themed as Holidays Around the World.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting
- The next Staff Senate Meeting is scheduled for November 3rd.
- The Appreciation Committee is hosting the annual Halloween Costume Contest. Prizes will be given in three categories for the best costume – student, employee, and group.
- The Staff Development Committee will be hosting a Mental Health Awareness session in November.
- DSU Staff Senate is looking into ways to assist new staff employees with becoming familiar with campus and welcoming them as they are hired.

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- No updates submitted.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes
- Fall Staff Association Meeting was held on October 21st which included updates from our staff senate president, Heather Bolstad and campus president, Dr. Brian Van Horn.
- Started monthly Director meetings to increase communication across campus which is one of our goals. Upcoming events: Coins for Comets, Holiday Decorating contest, and Staff Senate bake sale.

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- No updates submitted.

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- No updates submitted.

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Update Provided By: Paula Cox
- S
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: Engagement Committee will hold its first Get Back Together event at UP North Pizza Pub in East Grand Forks, on Thursday, October 28th. We are selling our 31 Days of Glory tickets. December Staff Senate Social Gathering for December 8, 2021 at the Memorial Union.
- Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
- Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
- The endowment with UND Alumni Association & Foundation to grow Seeds for Staff Success funds has been approved and is now in place.
- Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees.
- Assigning staffers to various Staff Senate committees.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter
- Staff Senate is planning a Halloween contest to boost staff morale and increase social experiences.
- We are planning to clean the highway ditch as faculty & staff next week.
- We advocated and helped plan a mental health during COVID webinar for our employees sponsored by Prairie St Johns. The webinar is the first step to receive a stipend from the institutions COVID-19 funding. The other steps are to watch 3 videos on SafeColleges that promote mental well being and wellness for our employees. They were then given 2 hours of paid professional development time (to be worked out with their supervisor) to complete a wellness activity to increase healthy self-care and coping strategies during this stressful time.

Update Provided By:
- No updates submitted.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer
- NDUS/CTS Staff Senate met on October 13th. We have a lot of activities planned.
- Staying Connected Committee had it’s first virtual Coffee Half Hour – ‘Take a break’ scheduled in October for any employee to join. This has been a popular event, and the committee plans to schedule one per month until May 2022. The committee is also sponsoring a ‘Door Decorating Contest’, with entries due by October 29th. There will be two prizes, one for the best Fall theme and one for the best Halloween theme.
- Philanthropy Committee is holding a food pantry drive from October 11-29. The committee has drop off locations in Fargo, Grand Forks, and Bismarck.
- FUNdraising Committee is coordinating a virtual Bake Sale that will take place towards the end of October.