Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig
- Continued discussions as a Staff Senate with BSC’s Smart Start team about the fall semester.
- The BSC Staff Senate Constitution and Bylaws were reviewed by the Policies and Procedures committee.

- No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols
- DSU Staff Senate committees and chairs have been solidified and work has started on various initiatives.
- Until further notice, DSU Staff Senate meetings will take place via Zoom. Details will be sent out prior to each meeting.
- The next meeting will take place Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 1 p.m.

No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Alissa Perkins
- Staff Senate voted to move celebrating State Employee Recognition Week to sometime in the spring due to COVID and our budget request not being approved yet. This would normally take place in mid-September
- The Event Planning committee is working on planning some sort of COVID friendly event to welcome staff back to campus

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson
- Mary Fetzer, facilities management custodian, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s June High Five Award winner.
- Staff Senate canceled our annual Fall Kick Off event in the interest of keeping our MSU employees and their families safe. The event was supposed to be held August 19.
- Committees are meeting and working towards coming up with creative ways to provide professional development and other events that normally happen on campus.
- Staff Senate provided input and recommendations regarding the mask policy that was put in place, becoming effective August 17, as well as input on what needs to be addressed in the COVID-19 procedure guide for MSU staff and faculty.
- Staff Senate President has recently been added to the COVID-19 Response team to ensure staff is aware of what decisions are being made and addressing concerns that staff have voiced.

Update Provided By: Lisa Braun
- NDSCS held their Staff Senate elections during their last meeting.
- President: Michelle Griffin
- Vice President: Leslie Shirek
- Secretary: Liza Hinrichs
- State Staff Senate: Lisa Braun, Leslie Shirek & Mindi Bessler

- No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Brian Schill
- Sen. Pres. Wasylow very busy on UND Pandemic past force, which meets weekly
- 2019-20 UND Staff Senate Annual Rept. about finished.
- Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
- Senate leadership help first of monthly meetings with UND Pres. Armacost
- Filled a member-at-large position.
- We are continuing to try to post our “caught” feature on our Facebook page each week.
- Staff Senate asked to find staffer(s) for UND Provost search committee
- Met with Human Resources about possible matters to pursue: including FMLA, staff tuition waiver. Will follow-up.
- Seeds for Staff Success grants applications were due on Aug. 15; those accepted will go to staff for Fall semester.
- We will not participate in any parades (Potato Bowl, Homecoming) this year due to all parades being canceled per COVID-19.
- Staff Recognition Committee is trying to figure out the details for staff recognition in Sept.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter
- Gearing up for the new year and trying to figure out what that will look like as far as events go while keeping social-distancing requirements in mind.
- Working on a plan for how to recognize our employees from last year being that we didn’t get to have the traditional Employee Recognition Dinner.
- Ordered new “We All Row” shirts to distribute to new staff members this fall.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner
- 8/17 is in-service week for Faculty and Staff.
- 8/24 classes start.

Update Provided By: Benjamin Ford
- We held our annual retreat in August. It was done in 2 parts, both which were done virtually. As goals and activities we came up with what we are calling the 3Cs: Connectedness – we are talking about fun activities and such to get together virtually (virtual coffee breaks, drive in movie, cooking classes, work from home tips), Championing – offer opportunities for professional development, and advocating for personnel, and Community – we are discussing doing a project of volunteering or doing something to help out our communities during the difficult time
- We have discussed both internally as a senate and with our senior staff about a CTS restart.
- We also are going to add a permanent fundraising committee to our bylaws. This is a committee we recreate each year at our retreat and we decided this would be easier.