Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig
- The BSC Employee Retention Committee facilitated a Christmas Tree Find game in BSC’s Student Union with a prize for the person who finds the most trees. The committee also provided free cookies and cocoa for staff ( and any faculty on campus) during the Christmas Break (Tuesday, 22nd).
- The BSC Staff Senate has a working group developing a campus-wide survey regarding the campus environment, COVID response, employee well-being, etc.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf
- No updates at this time.

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman
- LRSC did not hold a December Staff Senate Meeting. The next Staff Senate Meeting is scheduled for 1/15/2021.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman
- Mayville State University did not hold a December Staff Senate meeting.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson
- Doug Tiedman, online instructional design and media specialist for the Center of Extended Learning, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s November High Five Award winner.
- Six offices on campus received the Department/Team Shoutout – Registrar’s Office, Nursing Department, Business Office, Center for Extended Learning (CEL)/Blackboard, Human Resources/Payroll and the Native American Center. Department/Team Shoutout is a new recognition that was launched this month by our Employee Recognition Committee.
- Food, Hat, and Glove drive received 250 pounds of food donations from the MSU community to provide to our MSU food pantry.
- Nursing Department won the annual Holiday Decorating Contest, this year’s theme was Deck the Halls: A Holiday Spectacular. Financial Aid won the door decorating contest.

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Update Provided By: April Helgaas
- NDSU Staff Senate Scholarship Committee held an Ugly Sweater contest to raise funds for scholarships.
- The blood drive held on December 9th was a success.
- The Campus Kudos award winners for December were: Terri Porter, Anne Johnson, Kirsten Boettcher, Janet Sundquist, Jeffrey Kittilson, Michelle Sherman, Naomi Marks, Melissa Lamp, Milka Singha, and Patricia Dirk. Congratulations to these fine NDSU employees!

Update Provided By: Brian Schill
- Staff Senate Pres. Wasylow continues attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings.
- Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
- 31 Days of Glory staff fundraiser complete: all tickets sold and all prizes awarded in Dec.
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Senate VP Schill to help lead State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group.
- Senate held Dec. “potluck” virtually, and saw participation from UND admin, including Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter
- We are working on welcoming new hires for January by giving them shirts.
- We completed our Broadband meetings this month, which were all successful.
- We reviewed our staff survey results and the outcomes of staff comments by the administration and reviewed the events/activities that staff senate completed over the semester.
- We are working on coming up with activities for the Spring semester while keeping COVID-19 guidelines in mind.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner
- No updates.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford
- Our senate reviewed the results of our staff survey. We presented our findings and feelings to our senior staff.
- We have closed donations for the humane society and the Crisis Center. Senate members are delivering them to the locations.
- We are working on doing an online auction fundraiser in February. The auction will be basket items each with a theme. We will be getting donations/input from our senate in January.
- We continue to have bimonthly coffee breaks put together by our staying connected committee.
- Earlier this month, we had a cookies and craft event put on by members of our staying connected committee. We made Christmas sugar cookies and a Christmas craft.