Update Provided By: Roni Martin
- brief video on 4DX
- Employee Success committee-still doing welcome gift and greeting for new employee’s, donuts and $1.00 off coffee coupons in January
- Foundation made $3600 off basket raffle
- HR is starting a new on-boarding process that will happen twice a month for new employee’s to make the process run more smoothly and ease new employee’s into the campus life.
- talked about what area’s the advertising dollars and time are focusing on.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes
- Our campus social of Holidays Around the World was a great success. Each department choose a country to celebrate. The department provided some background, decorations and a treat from their country. It was a great social time around campus and we all learned something.
- We held a Secret Santa event on campus. It is a great way to meet other people on campus you may not interact with daily.
- Staff Senate is sponsoring a student event called Smokey’s Week. To be held in February. This is similar to a homecoming event. We are sponsoring a snow sculpting event for the students. This will be a great way to interact with the students coming back for the spring 2022 semester.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting
- Staff Senate hosted the annual Goodie Gobble on Tuesday, December 14th. This event is planned to provide treats for students, faculty, and staff on a day during finals week.
- Staff Senate held the 2nd annual Tree Decorating Contest.
- Congratulations to the 4th Quarter Above & Beyond Award recipients –
- Annika Plummer – Administrative Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Technical Studies
- Taylor Thiel – Computer Network Maintenance Technician, Information Technology Services
- Monica Watson – Professional Advisor/Tutoring Center Specialist, SOAR Center
- The Staff Senate Thoughts & Concerns Advisory Committee has updated and revamped the Thoughts & Concerns Submission Form. This form provides and avenue for Staff members to submit any thoughts and/or concerns they have. The committee receives the submissions, researches a solution, and reports back to the individual and/or the staff body. Staff members may remain anonymous by contacting a Staff Senate member and requesting anonymity.

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes
- Staff Senate hosted a holiday decorating contest. Staff and faculty were encouraged to decorate their office/division in the theme of a Christmas song. The Peer Leaders were the judges.
- The staff senate organized a bake sale on December 13th with all proceeds going to the Comet Pride scholarship.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman
- Our Holiday Decorating winners for departments decorations were as follows: 1st Honors/IS/Leadership, 2nd Nursing, 3rd ASC/Power
- Our Holiday Door Decorating winners were 1st VPAA, 2nd, Business Office 1, 3rd Business Office 2, and 4th NDCPD.
- We are wrapping up our Minot State Bucket List to promote employees to visit other parts of campus, participate in events, and get to know other people across campus.
- We will have a de-escalation training for our January professional development and we will have Michael Brandt (Head Women’s Basketball coach) as well as another athletic coach (TBD) presenting on Teamwork in February for professional development.
- Our December High Five winner will be recognized/announced in early January.
- We are planning a Spirit week Feb 4th-11th with a variety of events for our campus community.

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo
- The Scholarship Committee has been holding fundraising events.
- The Environmental Sustainability Committee offered Christmas light recycling during November and December.
- A Staff Senate Hot Chocolate Social was held on December 10th.
- Senators continue to work on a shared governance framework, in conjunction with Faculty Senators, Student Government representatives, and Administration. The group aims to have a draft before the July 1 target start date for the next NDSU President.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: December Staff Senate Social Gathering for December 8, 2021 at the Memorial Union. Dinner with the Armacosts on December 8th for 6 staff members plus President and First Lady Armacost.
- Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
- Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
- The endowment with UND Alumni Association & Foundation to grow Seeds for Staff Success funds has been approved and is now in place.
- Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees.
- Assigning staffers to various Staff Senate committees.
- Start working on putting a UND PTO for Volunteering committee together
- UND HR and TTaDA are resurrecting our Staff Mentoring program and should be underway soon.

Update Provided By:
- No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens
- On October 29th we had Trail of Treats on campus. We also held a Staff Senate Bake Sale which was a BIG success.
- In December, Staff Senate will be having an event called “Wrap and Roll.” This is where staff, faculty, & students can bring in their Christmas gifts and we will wrap them for them.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer
- The NDUS/CTS is currently accepting scholarship applications until March 1st. This is an annual scholarship with the following criteria:
- The applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a current employee of CTS or NDUS System Office.
- Applicant must be seeking first associate or bachelor degree.
- Applicant must be enrolled full-time at an NDUS institution during the 2022-23 academic year.