Update Provided By: Roni Martin
- Dr. Mensah gave a report on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement
- Student success committee had a St Patrick’s day party for Staff that was a success
- Campus training will be in June, date is still being determined

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes
- Dakota College at Bottineau has a vendor show coming up on April 9th. We hold the event in our Woodshed (gym). Local artists and crafters sell their products. We raise money with the event by charging for a table space. The money raised is used for our student scholarship from Staff Senate.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting
- DSU Staff Senate hosted a St. Patrick’s Day themed potluck during spring break. It was a well attended event that provided an opportunity for fellowship amongst employees.
- Staff Senate is looking for staff employees who are interested in assisting with committees.
- An email for elections for the 2022-23 FY has gone out allowing staff members to opt-out of having their name on the ballot if they choose to do so.
- Congratulations to the Quarter 1 Above & Beyond Award Recipients:
- Kayla Noah – Dean of Students, Student Affairs
- Tammy Krebs – Budget/Accounting Specialist, Business Affairs
- Todd Hauf – Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Services
- This month’s Staff Spotlight was Jaci Kolm, Transfer Evaluation Specialist for Academic Records. Some fun facts were shared about Jaci in the monthly newsletter.

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes
- NDUS Chancellor Dr. Mark Hagerott visited our campus as part of his Executive Engagement Program. He met with various representatives from our campus as well as held an open forum with all faculty, staff and students.
- Mayville State hosted an Active Shooter Simulated Event which included local Emergency Response Teams.
- Staff Senate put on a potluck during Spring Break week which was well attended.
- A food drive was organized by Staff Senate before spring break for our Campus Pantry.
- There was Stress Relief Fair held on campus. Staff and Faculty had the opportunity to participate in a self-defense course, puppy yoga, and a gardening class.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman
- Harold Rose, local Papa John’s franchise owner, came and gave an engaging professional development session on Customer Service for our employees!

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo
- The NDSU Day of Honor was held on February 16. The event was recorded, and the video is available at the Day of Honor website. This is the first time the employee event was held in conjunction with the student event, and indications were that the event was a success.
- NDSU Staff Senate welcomed one new senator.
- The Staff Development Committee offered a Financial Check-Up session on March 23rd.
- Two “Ask Me Anything” events are planned ahead of the upcoming Staff Senate election, one in March and one in April. These events will be hour-long sessions in which experienced senators provide information and answer questions about serving on staff senate.
- The Campus Engagement committee has organized a blood drive to be held in April.
- In response to concerns about the ongoing lack of clarity regarding remote work, an ad hoc committee has been formed to research this issue and develop recommendations to be shared with NDSU’s incoming president.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost: discussed employee recognition, mask mandate recission.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: Next “Coffee with Kathy” is scheduled for May. Staff trivia night postponed. Dinner with the Armacosts will be April 12. “Spring Fling” event for staff April 7, includes lunch or breakfast for various staff shifts. Faculty and Staff social at Archives Coffee House set for April 21, 2022.
- Tuition Waiver Committee mtg. scheduled, but fell through
- Continue to award monthly UShine awards.
- Recruiting staff for various University committees, including Parking, Memorial Union Advisory, Strategic Planning Committees, and Safety Committees.
- SS Leadership and other senators working hard to recruit staff for next iteration of SS, starting in May. Exec Team interest looking good. UND SS Elections for Vice President/Officers in April 2022.

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- No update provided.

Update Provided By:
- No update provided.

Updates Provided By:
- No update provided.