Update Provided By: Roni Martin
- Possible retreat date in June
- Professional development training in June
- Election will take place in May
- Looking for new ideas for a welcome gift for new FT employee’s
- May day baskets being sold by staff success com
- Student enrollment #’s
- Get your ducks in a row day April 27th
- Working on bids for Polytech building
- Commencement Friday the 13th of May

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes
- We have organized an employee appreciation week for 4-25-22 to 4-29-22. Our events are: Muffin Monday, Trivia Tuesday, Popping Over to Say Thank You Wednesday (free popcorn), Throwback Thursday (wear your favorite era of DCB clothing) and also includes a Thank You for Your Commit-Mint to DCB (peppermint patties), Bingo Friday with a luncheon and wearing a specific color representing your years of service.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting
- Elections for the 2022-23 FY have gone out and the votes are being tallied.
- Nominations for the 2022 Quarter 2 Above & Beyond Award can be submitted here. Everyone, including students, are encouraged to participate and nominate a staff member for this award. Please note that only DSU Staff will qualify for this award. If you are unsure whether a person is classified as staff or faculty, please check the DSU directory.
- The Staff Senate Thoughts & Concerns Advisory Committee has revamped the Thoughts & Concerns Submission Form. Because we want to get back to you regarding your thought/concern, the name field on the form is required, but adding your email address is optional. As the form says, if you wish, you can also contact any Staff Senate member and remain anonymous to the group. A list of current Staff Senators can be found here.
- The Employee Development Committee is working on professional development offerings. Stress in the Workplace is the next session being offered.
- The Staff Senate Fundraising Committee is preparing a fundraiser to raise money for the Staff Senate Scholarship, Professional Development sessions, and other Staff Senate activities. More information will be coming soon!

Update Provided By:
- No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes
- Mayville State Education Division hosted the 2022 NDACTE Conference April 7-8.
- Upcoming events: Employee Recognition Banquet and Annual Student Awards.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman
- Congratulations to our March High Five winner: Ashley Blake!
- Chuck Kramer, owner of Minot’s IKeating, came and did a professional development session for employees on choosing positivity in a negative world.

Update Provided By: Leslie Shirek
- The State Board of Higher Education has selected Rod L. Flanigan, Ph.D. as the 10th President of NDSCS. Dr. Flanigan has spent his entire career successfully building, leading and guiding organizations in industry, education, and non-profits. He will start no later than July 1, 2022.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo
- NDSU Staff Senators were encouraged to “bring a friend or colleague to staff senate,” and the April meeting began with information about serving on staff senate, and senators sharing thoughts about their experiences on senate.
- A senator shared a suggestion to reach out to ND state legislators about the importance of retaining state employees. South Dakota recently passed a 6% cost-of-living increase for state employees, which the senator suggested using as a talking point.
- Staff Senate sponsored a blood drive that was held on campus on April 7th.
- The Student Voice Project’s most recent document, on student mental health, has been published on the Dean of Students website.
- The Remote Work Ad Hoc Committee drafted a survey that was sent to staff and supervisors in April.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: Staff Senate held our Spring Fling in April. Held a Faculty and Staff Appreciation event at Archives Coffee House on April 21. This event was well attended, and we will look at doing this once each semester. Upcoming: May 17, 2022, Coffee with Kathy to be held at the Memorial Union.
- Continue with the Monthly UShine awards. Will be announcing in May who the UShine winner of the year will be.
- Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees and Staff Senate Committees.
- Leadership is preparing for April election and new Officers to be on board by May 2022.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter
- VCSU Staff Senate is working holding elections in May. We are planning on our employee awards banquet for finals week in May.
- VCSU is working on a telework policy. It is currently undergoing review from staff and faculty senate before going back to cabinet for review of changes.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens
- We are in the process of voting on our Staff shout out for the year. We have some great staff members in the running for this award.
- Staff is gearing up for graduation, and helping prepare the college for this special event.
- Staff is currently updating WSC’s Staff Handbook.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer
- Congratulations to Dylan Rakoczy, CTSO Staff Senate Scholarship winner for the upcoming 2022-2023 academic year! Dylan is the son of Michelle Rakoczy, Associate Director of Infrastructure and Operations at CTS.