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Update Provided By: Mike Wozniak
- Staff Senate has partnered with an apparel store in the area to offer Staff Senate branded merchandise to Senators. All Senators would be responsible for purchasing their own apparel, but we now have some cold weather options for Senators to wear.
- 31 Days of Glory raffle tickets are on sale now for $20 each. The proceeds from this program support our Seeds for Staff Success program, which awards professional development scholarships for staff. Winners are drawn each day in December, with weekday winners receiving $100, Saturday winners getting $250, and Sunday winners getting $500.
- Parking services has contracted a consulting company that will be evaluating the parking situation on campus, with a report delivered sometime during the summer. This report will contain recommendations for pricing, pass areas, pass sales, etc.

Update Provided By: Kelly Spanier
- VCSU Staff Engagement is holding a turkey bingo through the month of November with donated prizes from local businesses.
- Preparing a float for the Christmas light parade in town. Planning a cookie exchange for holidays.
- Had a Halloween costume and decorating contest with lots of fun themes by various departments.
- Meeting as broadband groups to discuss or review surveys that were completed last spring.

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