March 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • We are having our Spring Vendor Show on April 17th as a fundraiser for scholarships.
  • Vote has been conducted for the Student Graduation Speaker to present to Faculty Senate for final decision.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Next Meeting April 7, 2021 @ 1:00pm via Zoom.
  • Elections will be conducted soon. Staff should watch their email for instructions on casting votes.
  • The Staff Emeritus committee is being formed and nominations will be open soon.
  • 2021 quarter one Above and Beyond recipients are:
    • Staci Green – Head of Library Operations
    • Mari Kovash – Office Manager for SOAR and TRHLP
    • Jacqueline Vielman – Accounts Payable Technician

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • We discussed our Adopt-a-Highway project – event will be arranged through the Events Planning Committee. Staff Senate is planning to complete this project on Earth Day.
  • Communication Officer Position – it was decided that instead of creating a new communication officer role, the secretary will take care of the website updates (meeting announcements, minutes) with other secretary related roles.
  • Invitation from President Van Horn extended to join Staff Senate to provide more information on budget update. Consensus to have him join our April Staff Senate meeting provided he does not need to be in Bismarck for legislative reason.
  • Staff Senate discussed pushing back our Spring Staff Association Meeting until June.
  • Current projects include: Monthly Events, Mini Series, Adopt-a-Highway, Spring Break Care Packages.
  • Our next Staff Senate meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 13th at 2pm in EDUC 114.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Joseph Gray, Facilities Management, was named Minot State University’s Staff Senate’s February High Five Award winner.
  • President Benson lead a Staff Senate meeting inviting all staff to participate in conversation about the restructuring proposals brought forth by Faculty Senate.
  • Professional Development committee will be hosting a customer service training on March 25, Service with a Smile: Maintaining Positivity and Positive Customer Service in Tough Times presented by Jim Sturm, Director of the Looyenga Leadership Center at MSU.
  • Minot State will host Joseph Flynn Jr. an award-winning author of “White Fatigue” and professor at Northern Illinois University will lead a discussion on systemic and institutionalized racism, titled “Protests aren’t Parades: Moving from Resistance, to Ally, to Accomplice.” Joseph will meet with students on April 14 and with staff and faculty on April 15.
  • Staff Senate Scholarship 50/50 raffle is under way and tickets are on sale through May 7, grand prize is $500. Money raised will be put towards our Staff Senate scholarship.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Staff Senate Pres. Wasylow continues attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings. 
  • Continuing to present U-Shines to one staffer/month. 
  • March Mtg UNDSS hosted presentation by Major Michael Humble entitled “Finding Success in Failure.” 
  • Senate Legislative Comm. Is still meeting and coordinating with University Senate Leg. Comm on higher ed bills tracking in ND Legislative Assembly. Discussed SB 2030, 2003, others. 
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost. 
  • Senate VP Schill leading State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group; held first mtg.  
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Elections coming up: have some VP candidates and good number of new senator nominations.
  • Planning distribution of SS certificates, “SS of the year” award, and celebrations of senators leaving SS.
  • April events include our Spring Fling, staff recognition via food service, and an event speaker– Barry Brode on “Optimism 101.”

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • Doing a spring trivia afternoon in April. Prizes are going to be awarded.
  • Another of our bi-monthly coffee chats the end of March.
  • Our scholarship committee is finalizing the winner of our scholarship.
  • Online auction fundraiser in February was a huge success, we funded an entire scholarship.
  • Nominations for new senators coming soon.

February 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • The BSC Employee Retention Staff Senate subcommittee, in collaboration with the Faculty Senate, is working to provide all full- and part-time staff and faculty with an appreciation gift. Gifts will be distributed across campus late February or early March. Gifts will include a color changing stress ball, some chocolate, and a thank-you note.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • No updates to report at this time.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Next meeting – March 3, 2021 @1:00pm via Zoom.
  • Our Staff Senate collaborated with the holiday party planning committee for this year’s festivities. We had a successful event on January 20, 2021 raising funds that will contribute to Staff Senate initiatives such as employee development and scholarships.
  • Information will be coming soon regarding nominations for the next Above and Beyond award, timeline for this year’s Staff Emeritus distinctions, and ballots for the 2021 Staff Senate election.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman

  • No LRSC Staff Senate meeting held in January.
  • February LRSC Staff Senate meeting held 2/23/21.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • Mayville State University did not have a February Staff Senate meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 9, 2021.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Michael Linnell, director of university communications, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s January High Five Award Winner.
  • Financial Aid and Enrollment Services received Department/Team Shout outs in January.
  • Public Relations committee has scheduled Jerry Stai, assistant professor in the College of Business, to present on Financial Planning at the end of this month.
  • Members of our Staff Senate served on a Focus Group to help provide feedback on how staff fell today regarding COVID and looking forward. There was a lot of great discussion and input from the staff.
  • Election and Staff Satisfaction committees are in the planning phase for our upcoming election and the staff satisfaction survey. Elections and the survey will take place in March.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

  • NDSU Staff Senate nominations have opened. Those interested in becoming senators can be nominated by someone or self-nominate. Nominations will close on March 19th. Elections will be held via email March 23-24. Elected senators will be inducted to their two-year term in May 2021. The Elections committee is hosting a competition for current senators to nominate new senators. The current senators with the most elected nominations will win a small prize.
  • The NDSU Staff Senate 30th Anniversary committee paired with the NDSU Staff Senate Scholarship committee and sold masks. Masks were sold for $5 a piece plus tax and proceeds will fund future NDSU Staff Senate Scholarships.
  • The NDSU Staff Senate Campus Engagement committee will be hosting a blood drive the beginning of April. More details will be forthcoming in March .
  • The NDSU Staff Recognition committee awarded two Campus Kudos at the February 3rd meeting. Kelly Lopez and Edie Nelson were the recipients.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • Employee Appreciation – lunch and recognition/games of employees at a basketball game.
  • Valentines Day Activity – express your appreciation to a staff member by sending them a note, email, text, or doing a random act of kindness.
  • In lieu of potlucks, we have asked our staff to send us 2 recipes and we will combine this into a PDF recipe book for all staff to have.
  • We are currently working with our EMT and President to try and do an Employee Recognition Dinner for this Spring with respect to COVID guidelines.
  • We are sending out nominations to replace facilities representative this week and facilities will vote on their choice to fill a 1 1/2 year term.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We had our first ever Staff Senate Online Auction. Most years we do a bake sale before Christmas, which is usually our major fundraiser. This year that wasn’t possible, so we did an online auction. It went so well, we may do it again.

January 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • BSC leadership provided the Staff Senate with a legislative update at our January meeting regarding BSC’s legislative efforts and particular bills of interest.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • We have started the planning process to hold our Spring Vendor Show safely and responsibly. This is our main fundraiser for our Staff Senate Student Scholarship.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Staff Senate collaborated with our holiday party planning committee to provide morale boosting activities on January 20th, 2021. We held a silent auction, raffle and a Goodie Gobble. There was a great turnout of our campus community and proceeds will be used by our holiday party committee and Staff Senate for future events and activities.
  • Next Meeting Feb 3, 2021 @ 1:00pm via Zoom.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • 1000-3000 Broadband positions has been filled by Matthew Dalrymple.
  • A Staff Senate email account has been created. Staff Senate officers have access to review/sending emails out.
  • We discussed Staff Senate goals for 2021, including boosting employee morale, increasing Comet Pride Button sales, and fundraising ideas.
  • Current projects include: Pennies for Pride, Comet Pride Buttons, and COVID-Care Committee.
  • Our next Staff Senate meeting will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, February 9, 2021.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

  • NDSU Staff Senate hosted the annual NDSU Day of Honor ceremony virtually via Zoom on January 13th. The NDSU Day of Honor commemorates the lives of NDSU students, faculty, and staff who have passed away during the previous calendar year. The ceremony, first held in 2013, occurs each January and offers attendees closure, reverence and a sense of community in remembering those no longer with us. The following individuals were honored this year:
    • Ann Marschke
    • Benjamin Anderson
    • Brian M. Slator
    • Claudia May
    • LJ Wells
    • Karen JOhnson
    • Pierce Kvien
    • Robert A. Wood
    • Robin McDonough
    • Sonja Flaagen
    • Stephanie Waletzko
    • William Clinton Wells
    • William “Bill” Barker
  • The ceremony was recorded and the video can be viewed via
  • The NDSU Staff Senate Staff Recognition Committee awarded nine Campus Kudos at the January meeting. The Kudos recipients were:
    • Megan Yerhot
    • Sara Oestrich
    • Alexander Knudson
    • Carrie Anne Platt
    • Briana Nupdal
    • Smita Garg
    • Cate Kratochvil
    • Kim Miller
    • San Nygard
  • The NDSU Staff Senate Scholarship Committee hosted four days of dine in/take out events to raise funds for Staff Senate Scholarships. The dine in/take out dates were January 18th through the 21st. Chipotle, Panera, Panda Express, and Blaze Pizza each hosted a day of participating in the fundraiser. Patrons mentioning the fundraiser would have a portion of the bill contributed to Staff Senate Scholarships.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Staff Senate Pres. Wasylow continues attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings. 
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month. 
  • Admin gearing up for upcoming elections (April). 
  • Virtual Bingo in December and “Coffee with Kathy (Armacost)” were both very successful. Feb. 11 is the next “Coffee with Kathy.” 
  • Senate Legislative Comm. Meeting and coordinating with University Senate Leg. Comm on higher ed bills tracking in ND Legislative Assembly. 
  • Annual “Tubs of Love” fundraiser for area nonprofit underway. 
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost. 
  • Senate VP Schill to help lead State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group.  
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits. 

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • No updates.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • Our philanthropy committee picked and delivered a number of items to the Crisis and animal shelters for each location (Grand Forks, Fargo and Bismarck). see the attached image.
  • Reorganized our clothing site for easier navigation.
  • We are now taking donations for our February auction for fundraising.

December 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • The BSC Employee Retention Committee facilitated a Christmas Tree Find game in BSC’s Student Union with a prize for the person who finds the most trees. The committee also provided free cookies and cocoa for staff ( and any faculty on campus) during the Christmas Break (Tuesday, 22nd).
  • The BSC Staff Senate has a working group developing a campus-wide survey regarding the campus environment, COVID response, employee well-being, etc.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • No updates at this time.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman

  • LRSC did not hold a December Staff Senate Meeting. The next Staff Senate Meeting is scheduled for 1/15/2021.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • Mayville State University did not hold a December Staff Senate meeting.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Doug Tiedman, online instructional design and media specialist for the Center of Extended Learning, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s November High Five Award winner.
  • Six offices on campus received the Department/Team Shoutout – Registrar’s Office, Nursing Department, Business Office, Center for Extended Learning (CEL)/Blackboard, Human Resources/Payroll and the Native American Center. Department/Team Shoutout is a new recognition that was launched this month by our Employee Recognition Committee.
  • Food, Hat, and Glove drive received 250 pounds of food donations from the MSU community to provide to our MSU food pantry.
  • Nursing Department won the annual Holiday Decorating Contest, this year’s theme was Deck the Halls: A Holiday Spectacular. Financial Aid won the door decorating contest.
MSU food drive donations.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

  • NDSU Staff Senate Scholarship Committee held an Ugly Sweater contest to raise funds for scholarships.
  • The blood drive held on December 9th was a success.
  • The Campus Kudos award winners for December were: Terri Porter, Anne Johnson, Kirsten Boettcher, Janet Sundquist, Jeffrey Kittilson, Michelle Sherman, Naomi Marks, Melissa Lamp, Milka Singha, and Patricia Dirk. Congratulations to these fine NDSU employees!

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Staff Senate Pres. Wasylow continues attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings. 
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month. 
  • 31 Days of Glory staff fundraiser complete: all tickets sold and all prizes awarded in Dec. 
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost. 
  • Senate VP Schill to help lead State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group.  
  • Senate held Dec. “potluck” virtually, and saw participation from UND admin, including Pres. Armacost. 
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits. 

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • We are working on welcoming new hires for January by giving them shirts.
  • We completed our Broadband meetings this month, which were all successful.
  • We reviewed our staff survey results and the outcomes of staff comments by the administration and reviewed the events/activities that staff senate completed over the semester.
  • We are working on coming up with activities for the Spring semester while keeping COVID-19 guidelines in mind.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • No updates.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • Our senate reviewed the results of our staff survey. We presented our findings and feelings to our senior staff.
  • We have closed donations for the humane society and the Crisis Center. Senate members are delivering them to the locations.
  • We are working on doing an online auction fundraiser in February. The auction will be basket items each with a theme. We will be getting donations/input from our senate in January.
  • We continue to have bimonthly coffee breaks put together by our staying connected committee.
  • Earlier this month, we had a cookies and craft event put on by members of our staying connected committee. We made Christmas sugar cookies and a Christmas craft.

November 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • Staff Senate had a first reading of the General/Student Policy: Speech, Expression and Assembly. Potential suggestions for improvement will be presented at the December meeting and/or a vote of acceptance will take place.
  • The Staff Senate Employee Retention subcommittee has organized a free donuts and coffee event to take place the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as an appreciation to staff. T he event will be social distanced and necessary precautions will be taken.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • Staff Senate’s Costume Contest Winners were: 1st: Jacob Nelson & Josephine as Rick & Morty; 2nd: Zahra Moss as Peg Bundy; and 3rd: Bridget Gustafson as Medusa.
  • Staff Senate’s Pumpkin Decorating Winners were: 1st: Hatching Dinosaurs from Student Services; 2nd: Mr. Jack from the Bookstore.
  • Staff Senate is sponsoring the 12 Days of Christmas instead of a holiday gathering. We are asking departments to host a day from the Twelve Days of Christmas. This involves decorating your door/area in the theme and offering a COVID safe goodie. Individuals will receive tickets at each department that goes towards a drawing or Bottineau Bucks.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Next meeting is December 2, 2020 at 1:00pm via Zoom.
  • Our Staff Senate has partnered with the holiday party planning committee for this year’s festivities. We had planned many safe activities that will shift to January 20, 2021. We will also be holding a tree decorating contest for DSU Employees in November/December.
  • Staff Senate recently sent out a campus climate survey to all staff employees. The survey results and comments are being looked at by Staff Senate and will be shared with campus soon.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • Alyson Beckman was elected the new Vice President of Staff Senate. We are currently looking to add more members.
  • Committee Chair – each committee will select a committee chair to serve as a contact person.
  • Discussed adding a Communication Officer role. Responsible for Staff Senate webpages, social media, reach out to committees regarding specific updates. Potentially, this role would be part of the Public Relations Committee. More discussion to come.
  • Our Fall Staff Association Meeting is scheduled for November 17 and will be held online via Zoom.
  • Discussed office holiday decorating contest while still maintaining COVID-19 policies and procedures.
  • Current projects include: Virtual Gratitude Wall, COVID-Care Committee, and COVID-19 Essential Workers.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • James Tiffany, facilities management, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s October High Five Award winner.
  • Employee Recognition Committee has created the Department/Team Shoutout to recognize an entire department or team that does an outstanding job. This could be for a one-time interaction that was fantastic or ongoing excellence provided by a department.
  • Fall into Giving: Food, Hat and Glove drive wrapped up on November 20 and was very successful. We will be compiling all donations and providing it to our campus food pantry.
  • We will be compiling all donations and providing it to our campus food pantry.
  • Gratitude BINGO is currently ongoing for staff and faculty to participate in, Staff Senate will be giving away some pies for those who submit their BINGO cards.
  • Orientation, Bylaws, Handbook and Legislative committee is working with the HR Director to review our current Staff Handbook.
  • Staff Senate scholarship is open for staff currently taking an MSU course or if they have dependents taking an MSU course, deadline to apply is December 11.
  • Special Events committee is planning to host our annual holiday decorating contest. Judging will be on December 11, offices can enter as well as employees can decorate their doors.
  • An ad hoc committee has been created to focus on staff well being and mental health.

Update Provided By:

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

  • The NDSU Campus Kudo for November was awarded to David Huber. David was nominated by Bill Law and Amanda Booher.
  • NDSU Staff Senate Campus Engagement is hosting a blood drive December 9th from 8:00am to 11:00am.
  • The NDSU Staff Senate Sustainability Committee is hosting a holiday lights recycling drop off. There are totes located in three locations on campus for employees to drop off non-working lights for recycling.
  • NDSU Staff Senate decorated a window display in the Memorial Union celebrating NDSU Staff Senate’s 30th Anniversary. The 30th Anniversary Committee is in the process of ordering face masks with the 30th Anniversary logo to sell to NDSU staff. Proceeds from mask sales will go to the NDSU Staff Senate Scholarship Fund. Masks will be sold for $5 a piece and delivered through campus mail or available for pick up in select locations.
  • The Campus Food Insecurity Taskforce held a pop-up event in Niskanen Hall. Swipe Out Hunger is being run through the office of the Dean of Students. Donations for Swipe Out Hunger will be an available area for donation on NDSU Giving Day on December 1st. The taskforce has been given space in the NDSU Bookstore for a permanent pantry and they are in the process of getting quotes for a refrigerator.
  • The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee assisted in organizing a flu shot event held on NDSU campus this past Tuesday and held at the downtown campus this past Thursday.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Staff Senate Pres. Wasylow continues attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings. 
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month. 
  • 31 Days of Glory staff fundraiser almost over with most tickets sold. 
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost. 
  • Senate VP Schill to help lead State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group.  
  • Senate will proceed with Dec. “potluck” virtually, and has invited UND admin to participate. 
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits. 

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • We are finalizing our November activities before Thanksgiving. We are working on staff appreciation to boost morale by doing winter staff activities (all virtual) such as: staff ugly sweater gallery, coloring a Christmas wreath contest, and a decorating office for Christmas contest. We sent out our 3rd survey to all staff in regards to the COVID response on campus. The final report will be sent to our President and Emergency Management Team.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • Monday, November 30th is a listening session for WSC Presidential Search.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We just completed our employee survey and will have results soon. This is our survey we do every two years. We ask the same questions to determine trends. This year we did a couple of COVID related questions.
  • We have been putting together bimonthly half hour coffee breaks through Teams. This helps us stay connected to each other during this time.
  • Our yearly scholarship application is up. We offer this to the dependents of any CTS employee to attend any NDUS institution.
  • We are looking to take donations from our staff for items for either the Humane Society or the Crisis Center.

October 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • The BSC Staff Senate Employee Retention Committee has launched a couple new initiatives to engage employees: the monthly campus “scavenger hunt” where cryptic photos from around campus are posted and whoever submits the most correct answers first receives a prize, and the Staff Employee Highlight where we recognize one employee monthly from a different department/staff senate district.
  • The senate explored BSC COVID-19 data as compared to Burleigh-Morton county data. The specific chart that was presented by John Carroll, Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning, was entitled “Active BSC Cases as a percentage of Active Cases in Burleigh County.”

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • No Updates

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • The next Staff Senate meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 1pm via Zoom.
  • Our Above and Beyond recipients for this quarter are:
    • Kayla Noah – Director of Student Opportunity and Resource (SOAR) Center / Interim Disability Services Specialist
    • Cindy Splichal – Information Specialist, Academic Records
    • Anthony Willer – Director of Technology Resource & Education Center (TREC)

Update Provided By: Mike Englman

  • Policy changes: In the future, Bobbi Lunday will get the changes from Council to Anne Rasmusson for adding/recrding.
  • Officer Elections –
    • Vice President – Brandi Nelson
    • Secretary/Treasurer – Erin Wood
  • Discussed Christmas Party and what can be done with COVID-19 protocols.
  • Exploring option of creating a taskforce on need for a Staff Senate survey.

Update Provided By: Heather Johnson

  • Heather Johnson is now MSU’s Staff Senate President. Ashley Kulland has stepped down from Staff Senate. We will bote on a new VP next meeting in November.
  • Adopt-a-Highway-Fall cleanup was a success! We had 12 staff/faculty members participate and the weather cooperated.
  • Homecoming Events (many of our other campus events were cancelled due to inclement weather). For staff, our Event Planning Committee coordinated dress-up days for the week: “Other” College day, Most Creative Mash day, and Comet Pride Day.
  • Due to COVID, we did not have a Staff Association Meeting in the Spring. Our Fall Staff Association Meeting is planned for November 17.
  • Current projects include: a General Staff Senate email, COVID-19 survey for staff, and holiday event planning.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Diane Pierson, Administrative Assistant in the Communication Science and Disorders Department, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s September High Five Award winner.
  • Professional Development committee had to postpone having a social justice speaker on campus due to the uptick in positive cases int he state. Hoping to reschedule in the spring. The committee is also planning to do a financial wellness session in November.
  • Fall into Giving: Food, Hat, and Glove drive will be November 2-20. Donations will be made to our Minot State Food Pantry.
  • Working on ideas/events to help staff/faculty deal with the stress and mental drain of COVID-19.
  • Staff Senate President attends weekly meetings with our COVID-19 response team.

Update Provided By:

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Staff Senate President, Wasylow is still attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings.
  • Pres. Wasylow spoke at UND President Armacost’s Inauguration.
  • Senators were present at Pres. Armacost’s virtual “State of the University” meeting.
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
  • Stated our 31 Days of Glory staff fundraiser on October 1, 2020.
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost; discussed Day After Thanksgiving, which President brought to the Chancellor.
  • Staff Recognition Committee distributed a boxed breakfast for overnight staff, boxed luncheon, and a boxed pie pickup for State Employee Recognition Month.
  • Legislative Committee distributed a survey showing that staff priorities are wages/compensation and health-related issues – not only COVID, but health insurance, FMLA, etc.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donation to local nonprofits.

Update Provided By:

  • No Update Provided.

Update Provided By:

  • No Update Provided.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We are doing a pumpkin carving contest right now. Voting wraps up on Friday, October 30. It has been awesome to see the pumpkins so far.
  • Several new items have been placed on our NDUS clothing store, including NDUS masks that people are able to purchase.
  • Usually, around the holidays, we do a bake sale as one of our fundraisers. This year, we are changing it into an online silent auction.

September 2020 Campus Updates

  • No Update Provided

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Staff Senate has changed their meeting time for the 2020-2021 year. The remaining Staff Senate meetings will take place at 1 pm on the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom.
  • Staff Senate committees continue to meet and adapt plans for the year considering modifications due to COVID-19. There are plans to continue professional development and appreciation events, but in a modified way. Announcements will be made as these events are planned.
  • Recommendations to modify the Staff Emeritus policy are being made. These edits will address a process for revoking emeritus status if that recommendation were to arise.

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Heather Johnson

  • Alissa Perkins has taken another position outside of the NDUS. Ashley Kulland is now President and Heather Johnson was elected Vice President.
  • For SERW, we continued our tradition of the Comet Kudos wall, however all other events have been postponed to Spring due to COVID.
  • Adopt-a-Highway project is underway pending Cabinet approval for September 24, which is also the week of Farmer’s Bowl/Commencement.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Melissa Cantone, associate Registrar, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s August High Five Award winner.
  • State Employee Appreciation Week was held September 14-18, along with the below events staff and faculty submitted SHOUT OUTS for a job well done. We posted these shout outs on social media and provided them to the employees who received shout outs. All employees were entered in a drawing to win prizes as well as additional entries for getting a BINGO on the BINGO cards that were made for this week.
    • Monday – Muffins/water were delivered to different departments on campus, donuts delivered to our facilities and campus security night staff
    • Tuesday – Yoga outside on the lawn
    • Wednesday – “Popping by to say Thank You”- Popcorn was served outside
    • Friday – Ice Cream treats
  • Professional Development committee is working to provide different training events on campus
  • MSU has hired a new HR Director, Laurie Davis, Staff Senate is looking forward in working with her to collaborate on some items related to professional development and our handbook.
  • Staff Senate continues to provide input related to COVID decisions made on campus

Update Provided By: Lisa Braun

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

  • Despite COVID-19 issues, NDSU Staff Senate and all committees have continued to meet virtually. Many previously planned events for this semester or postponed events from spring semester have also moved to a virtual environment
  • NDSU Staff Senate developed an ad hoc committee to address student food insecurity issues. The committee partnered with other areas on campus to form the NDSU Campus Food Insecurity Task Force. Please see the information below regarding the new NDSU Food Security Fund.
    • The NDSU Campus Food Insecurity Task Force is please to announce the creation of the NDSU food Security Fund. This fund will be used to address food needs for members of the NDSU community, through a variety of programs being planned by the task force. As we seek outside donors, we are asking for faculty and staff assistance to kick start our ability to begin assisting students this semester.
    • We hope you’ll consider donating today! Gifts may be one-time direct donations or made through automatic payroll deduction here:
    • Food insecurity is a significant problem for our students, especially in these challenging times. In a recent survey, one in three NDSU students reported they had experienced food insecurity. With your help, this initial fundraising effort will be targeted on our first effort as NDSU begins participation in the Swipe Out Hunger program. This program allows us to add dining center meals directly to the ID cards of students in need. This program provides the ability for quick response to need and protects the privacy and dignity of the recipient.
  • NDSU Staff Senate is celebrating its 30-year anniversary. The face to face event that was planned has been postponed until face to face gatherings are allowed to resume.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Staff Senate President, Wasylow is attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings.
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost; discussed staff recognition
  • We are continuing to try to post our “caught” feature on our Facebook page each week.
  • Staff Senate recommended staff to President Armacost for the UND Provost search committee; staff will be represented.
  • Seeds for Staff Success grants submissions were chosen.
  • Staff Recognition Committee has organized a boxed breakfast for overnight staff, boxed luncheon, and a boxed pie pickup for State Employee Recognition Month.
  • Senate is building out its yearly calendar of events/meetings
  • Staff senators assigned to University Senate and U-senate Legislative committee (U-Senate has met once).
  • Legislative Committee distributed a survey to senators to help determine senators’ policy priorities/concerns for current fiscal year.
  • Senators reviewing website/bylaws.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • For our “Welcome to VCSU Team”, we have gotten t-shirts to hand out to new staff members.
  • We are working on sending out a “well-being survey” to the staff to help gauge the emotions, safety concerns, and thoughts/ideas that they may have in terms of coming back to work during the pandemic. The results will be given to our Emergency Management Team. We may send this out multiple times during the semester.
  • We are also working on staff appreciation events for October and have come up with good ideas by still keeping social distance in mind.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • We are a week away from getting formal occupancy for our P-3 project.
  • Re-instituting student activities at the end of the month.
  • Funding from the City and County have come available to convert our Creighton building to a daycare.

  • No Updates Provided.

August 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • Continued discussions as a Staff Senate with BSC’s Smart Start team about the fall semester.
  • The BSC Staff Senate Constitution and Bylaws were reviewed by the Policies and Procedures committee.

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • DSU Staff Senate committees and chairs have been solidified and work has started on various initiatives.
  • Until further notice, DSU Staff Senate meetings will take place via Zoom. Details will be sent out prior to each meeting.
  • The next meeting will take place Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 1 p.m.

No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Alissa Perkins

  • Staff Senate voted to move celebrating State Employee Recognition Week to sometime in the spring due to COVID and our budget request not being approved yet. This would normally take place in mid-September
  • The Event Planning committee is working on planning some sort of COVID friendly event to welcome staff back to campus

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Mary Fetzer, facilities management custodian, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s June High Five Award winner.
  • Staff Senate canceled our annual Fall Kick Off event in the interest of keeping our MSU employees and their families safe. The event was supposed to be held August 19.
  • Committees are meeting and working towards coming up with creative ways to provide professional development and other events that normally happen on campus.
  • Staff Senate provided input and recommendations regarding the mask policy that was put in place, becoming effective August 17, as well as input on what needs to be addressed in the COVID-19 procedure guide for MSU staff and faculty.
  • Staff Senate President has recently been added to the COVID-19 Response team to ensure staff is aware of what decisions are being made and addressing concerns that staff have voiced.

Update Provided By: Lisa Braun

  • NDSCS held their Staff Senate elections during their last meeting.
  • President: Michelle Griffin
  • Vice President: Leslie Shirek
  • Secretary: Liza Hinrichs
  • State Staff Senate: Lisa Braun, Leslie Shirek & Mindi Bessler

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Sen. Pres. Wasylow very busy on UND Pandemic past force, which meets weekly
  • 2019-20 UND Staff Senate Annual Rept. about finished.
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
  • Senate leadership help first of monthly meetings with UND Pres. Armacost
  • Filled a member-at-large position.
  • We are continuing to try to post our “caught” feature on our Facebook page each week.
  • Staff Senate asked to find staffer(s) for UND Provost search committee
  • Met with Human Resources about possible matters to pursue: including FMLA, staff tuition waiver. Will follow-up.
  • Seeds for Staff Success grants applications were due on Aug. 15; those accepted will go to staff for Fall semester.
  • We will not participate in any parades (Potato Bowl, Homecoming) this year due to all parades being canceled per COVID-19.
  • Staff Recognition Committee is trying to figure out the details for staff recognition in Sept.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • Gearing up for the new year and trying to figure out what that will look like as far as events go while keeping social-distancing requirements in mind.
  • Working on a plan for how to recognize our employees from last year being that we didn’t get to have the traditional Employee Recognition Dinner.
  • Ordered new “We All Row” shirts to distribute to new staff members this fall.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • 8/17 is in-service week for Faculty and Staff.
  • 8/24 classes start.

Update Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We held our annual retreat in August. It was done in 2 parts, both which were done virtually. As goals and activities we came up with what we are calling the 3Cs: Connectedness – we are talking about fun activities and such to get together virtually (virtual coffee breaks, drive in movie, cooking classes, work from home tips), Championing – offer opportunities for professional development, and advocating for personnel, and Community – we are discussing doing a project of volunteering or doing something to help out our communities during the difficult time
  • We have discussed both internally as a senate and with our senior staff about a CTS restart.
  • We also are going to add a permanent fundraising committee to our bylaws. This is a committee we recreate each year at our retreat and we decided this would be easier.

July 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig

  • The BSC Staff Senate has been forming our subcommittees and selecting chairs. The committees are meeting to begin discussing activities and tasks for the year.

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Josh Nichols will retain his role as Staff Senate President for a second term ending June 30, 2021. Jen Zierhas been re-elected for a second term as Secretary/Treasurer. Wynter Miller has been elected as the Vice-President/President Elect. She will begin her term as President July 1, 2021.
  • Connie Klein has agreed to serve as the Staff Senate liaison to Faculty Senate and will attend those regular meetings when they resume. Staff Senate is currently finalizing committees and chairs will be selected for them soon as well. Look for final committee breakdowns in future Staff Senate minutes.
  • The next Staff Senate meeting will take place Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. (meeting connection details TBA). The meeting schedule will be finalized at that time but will likely be the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Alissa Perkins

  • Most or our staff started transitioning back to campus on July 1st
  • Staff Senate sent a letter to MSU’s COVID-19 campus reopening taskforce containing specific requests and suggestions for them to consider during their planning
  • MSU Staff Senate website is almost complete and will be rolled out this month

  • No Update Provided

  • No Update Provided

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • The UND Staff Senate met on Wednesday, July 8, again entertaining a brief visit from new UND President
  • Andrew Armacost. Quorum was met, and we passed wording in our Bylaws to reflect the Jeans Give Back
  • name change (formally Denim Spirit Days).
  • Pres. Megan Wasylow continues to be part of the University Pandemic Briefing /Smart Restart group and is helping voice staff concerns as the fall semester approaches.
  • Senate has identified staffers for forthcoming UND task force on diversity & inclusion.
  • The July Jeans Give Back day supported Global Friends Coalition in GF.
  • We are continuing to present UShines to one staff a month.
  • Seeds for Staff Success application deadline is in August. This is a professional development grant that staff can apply 3 times per calendar year (before each semester), and a max of $500 per calendar year.
  • We are continuing to try to post our “caught” feature on our Facebook page each week.

  • No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • WSC is holding their first face-to-face registration on July 23rd.

Update Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We are working on welcoming our senators and thanking our outgoing ones.
  • Part 1 of our annual meeting is on the schedule for July 23. This is where we will elect our new officers and recap the previous year.
  • We have tentatively planned part 1 for the beginning of August. This part is where we will discuss our goals for the upcoming year. Our hope is to have at least each location (Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck) be able to meet together in one room and virtually connect each location.

June 2020 Campus Updates

No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • Staff Senators met with Dr. Migler to discuss Salary Budget for the 2020-2021 academic year.
  • Working to award our first Staff Senate Scholarship; currently reviewing applicants.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • The next Staff Senate meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 1st at 1 p.m. (MT). We will be joined by our new senators and will conduct elections for our Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer positions.

No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Alissa Perkins

  • An organizer from ND United visited our June meeting to discuss the benefits that they provide for staff members
  • Our Staff Senate is teaming up with our Marketing and IT departments to plan a campus-wide shared calendar
  • Our MSU Staff Senate website is currently being voted on and will hopefully be rolled out in early July

Update Provided By: Michael Linnell

  • Darren Olson, IT director for network services, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s May High Five Award winner.
  • Minot State Staff Senate elected its 2020-2021 officers as Lindsey Benson moved from vice president to president in June. Elected as vice president for the 2020-2021 year was Paul Stroklund. He will become the president of MSU Staff Senate in 2021-2022. Elected secretary/treasurer was Doug Tiedman.
  • MSU Staff Senate used held its annual crossover meeting in June, with eight new senators joining for 2020-2021.
  • The annual Fall Kick Off celebration was set for Roosevelt Park on Aug. 19 from 4:30-7 p.m.

No Update Provided

No Update Provided

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • The UND Staff Senate met on Wednesday, June 10, entertaining a brief visit from new UND President Andrew Armacost.
  • Senate leadership also met with the ND State Staff Senate group on June 22, 2020.
  • Senate committees are mostly fully assigned with (co-)chairs and members ready to meet as groups starting this summer.
  • Pres. Megan Wasylow has been part of the University Pandemic Briefing and has had a voice in UND’s Smart Restart.
  • Senate has entertained “suggestion box” questions from staffers re: parking permit reimbursement per quarantine, return-to-work matters, and how UND can address systemic racism.
  • On that note, Senate has been asked to identify staffers who might be good additions to a forthcoming UND committee on diversity & inclusion. ď‚· Senate purchased promotional items such as Staff Senate t-shirts for Senators to wear at Staff Senate sponsored events. We also purchased Staff Senate banners for future parades and tabling events.
  • The UND University Senate Exec Committee met on Wednesday, June 24. Leadership turnover was the meeting’s main focus.

Update Provided By: Lacey Undem

  • VCSU Staff Senate met on June 18th to welcome new staff senate members and vote on new officers.
  • President: Jerilyn Beckman
  • Vice President: Carolyn Holen
  • Secretary: Kelsie Carter
  • Past President: Erica Buchholz
  • Professional group representatives:
  • Jerilyn Beckman, Kelsie Carter, Carolyn Holen, Vanessa Johnson, & Oscar Suniga
  • TPOS group representatives:
  • Amber Olson & Cassie Preston
  • Facilities group representatives:
  • Brian Bakke & Dina Splettstoesser
  • Ex Officio Members:
  • Wesley Wintch, Jennifer Larson

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner

  • We are searching for a new VP for Student Affairs
  • We are continuing virtual registration days
  • P3 construction project is ahead of schedule

Update Provided By: Crystal Tangsrud

  • We held out annual Senator election and four new Senators were elected: Kate Greicar (Fargo), Karie Abrahamson (Fargo), Kavita Rami (Grand Forks), and Ramona Breuer (Grand Forks).
  • We are also planning our annual Staff Senate Retreat. This year will be different with half of the retreat held virtually in July and the other half tentatively planned for a mix of in-person/remote.