2022 Summer Retreat Meeting

June 21-22nd the NDSSS will conduct its annual in-person meeting. This year’s meeting will be hosted by Dickinson State University. Agenda and details TBD.

For more information and details see the Summer 2022 Retreat Meeting Agenda.

2021-2022 NDSSS Officers Elected

During the June meeting of the NDSSS the gavel was passed from Michael Linnell (Minot State University) to April Helgaas (North Dakota State University) who will serve as President for the 2021-2022 year. Michael continues with NDSSS as Past President and HRC Representative. Elections were held for the following positions and unanimously confirmed by the Senate:

Vice President/President Elect: Heather Bolstad (Mayville State University)

Secretary/Treasurer: Laura Fetting (Dickinson State University)

Communication Officer: Kara Welk (Bismarck State College)

HRC Representative: Michael Linnell (Minot State University)

More information about the NDSSS Officers, including contact information, can be found on our Governance page.

2021 Summer Retreat Meeting

June 22-23rd the NDSSS will conduct it’s annual in-person meeting. This year’s meeting will be hosted by Bismarck State College and includes a presentation by Jerry Rostad, Vice Chancellor of Strategy and Strategic Engagement, North Dakota University System, on the NDUS Strategic Plan and visits from two SBHE Board Members; along with some vital conversations and planning for the upcoming 2021-2022 NDSSS year.

For more information and details see the Summer Retreat Meeting Agenda.

Governance Page Screenshot

2020-2021 NDSSS Officers Elected

During the June meeting of the NDSSS the gavel was passed from Misti Wuori (Mayville State University) to Michael Linnell (Minot State University) who will serve as President for the 2020-2021 year. Misti continues with NDSSS as Past President. Elections were held for the following positions and unanimously confirmed by the Senate:

Vice President/President Elect: April Helgaas (North Dakota State University)

Secretary/Treasurer: Laura Fetting (Dickinson State University)

Communication Officer: Crystal Tangsrud (NDUS Core Technology Services)

HRC Representative: Alyssa Perkins (Mayville State University)

More information about the NDSSS Officers, including contact information, can be found on our Governance page.