Update Provided By: Courtney Reiswig
- The BSC Staff Senate has been forming our subcommittees and selecting chairs. The committees are meeting to begin discussing activities and tasks for the year.

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Update Provided By: Josh Nichols
- Josh Nichols will retain his role as Staff Senate President for a second term ending June 30, 2021. Jen Zierhas been re-elected for a second term as Secretary/Treasurer. Wynter Miller has been elected as the Vice-President/President Elect. She will begin her term as President July 1, 2021.
- Connie Klein has agreed to serve as the Staff Senate liaison to Faculty Senate and will attend those regular meetings when they resume. Staff Senate is currently finalizing committees and chairs will be selected for them soon as well. Look for final committee breakdowns in future Staff Senate minutes.
- The next Staff Senate meeting will take place Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. (meeting connection details TBA). The meeting schedule will be finalized at that time but will likely be the first Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

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Update Provided By: Alissa Perkins
- Most or our staff started transitioning back to campus on July 1st
- Staff Senate sent a letter to MSU’s COVID-19 campus reopening taskforce containing specific requests and suggestions for them to consider during their planning
- MSU Staff Senate website is almost complete and will be rolled out this month

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Update Provided By: Brian Schill
- The UND Staff Senate met on Wednesday, July 8, again entertaining a brief visit from new UND President
- Andrew Armacost. Quorum was met, and we passed wording in our Bylaws to reflect the Jeans Give Back
- name change (formally Denim Spirit Days).
- Pres. Megan Wasylow continues to be part of the University Pandemic Briefing /Smart Restart group and is helping voice staff concerns as the fall semester approaches.
- Senate has identified staffers for forthcoming UND task force on diversity & inclusion.
- The July Jeans Give Back day supported Global Friends Coalition in GF.
- We are continuing to present UShines to one staff a month.
- Seeds for Staff Success application deadline is in August. This is a professional development grant that staff can apply 3 times per calendar year (before each semester), and a max of $500 per calendar year.
- We are continuing to try to post our “caught” feature on our Facebook page each week.

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Update Provided By: Megan Kasner
- WSC is holding their first face-to-face registration on July 23rd.

Update Provided By: Benjamin Ford
- We are working on welcoming our senators and thanking our outgoing ones.
- Part 1 of our annual meeting is on the schedule for July 23. This is where we will elect our new officers and recap the previous year.
- We have tentatively planned part 1 for the beginning of August. This part is where we will discuss our goals for the upcoming year. Our hope is to have at least each location (Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck) be able to meet together in one room and virtually connect each location.