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Update Provided By: Josh Nichols
- Staff Senate has changed their meeting time for the 2020-2021 year. The remaining Staff Senate meetings will take place at 1 pm on the first Wednesday of each month via Zoom.
- Staff Senate committees continue to meet and adapt plans for the year considering modifications due to COVID-19. There are plans to continue professional development and appreciation events, but in a modified way. Announcements will be made as these events are planned.
- Recommendations to modify the Staff Emeritus policy are being made. These edits will address a process for revoking emeritus status if that recommendation were to arise.

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Update Provided By: Heather Johnson
- Alissa Perkins has taken another position outside of the NDUS. Ashley Kulland is now President and Heather Johnson was elected Vice President.
- For SERW, we continued our tradition of the Comet Kudos wall, however all other events have been postponed to Spring due to COVID.
- Adopt-a-Highway project is underway pending Cabinet approval for September 24, which is also the week of Farmer’s Bowl/Commencement.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson
- Melissa Cantone, associate Registrar, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s August High Five Award winner.
- State Employee Appreciation Week was held September 14-18, along with the below events staff and faculty submitted SHOUT OUTS for a job well done. We posted these shout outs on social media and provided them to the employees who received shout outs. All employees were entered in a drawing to win prizes as well as additional entries for getting a BINGO on the BINGO cards that were made for this week.
- Monday – Muffins/water were delivered to different departments on campus, donuts delivered to our facilities and campus security night staff
- Tuesday – Yoga outside on the lawn
- Wednesday – “Popping by to say Thank You”- Popcorn was served outside
- Friday – Ice Cream treats
- Professional Development committee is working to provide different training events on campus
- MSU has hired a new HR Director, Laurie Davis, Staff Senate is looking forward in working with her to collaborate on some items related to professional development and our handbook.
- Staff Senate continues to provide input related to COVID decisions made on campus

Update Provided By: Lisa Braun
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Update Provided By: April Helgaas
- Despite COVID-19 issues, NDSU Staff Senate and all committees have continued to meet virtually. Many previously planned events for this semester or postponed events from spring semester have also moved to a virtual environment
- NDSU Staff Senate developed an ad hoc committee to address student food insecurity issues. The committee partnered with other areas on campus to form the NDSU Campus Food Insecurity Task Force. Please see the information below regarding the new NDSU Food Security Fund.
- The NDSU Campus Food Insecurity Task Force is please to announce the creation of the NDSU food Security Fund. This fund will be used to address food needs for members of the NDSU community, through a variety of programs being planned by the task force. As we seek outside donors, we are asking for faculty and staff assistance to kick start our ability to begin assisting students this semester.
- We hope you’ll consider donating today! Gifts may be one-time direct donations or made through automatic payroll deduction here: https://www.ndsufoundation.com/food-security-fund.
- Food insecurity is a significant problem for our students, especially in these challenging times. In a recent survey, one in three NDSU students reported they had experienced food insecurity. With your help, this initial fundraising effort will be targeted on our first effort as NDSU begins participation in the Swipe Out Hunger program. This program allows us to add dining center meals directly to the ID cards of students in need. This program provides the ability for quick response to need and protects the privacy and dignity of the recipient.
- NDSU Staff Senate is celebrating its 30-year anniversary. The face to face event that was planned has been postponed until face to face gatherings are allowed to resume.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill
- Staff Senate President, Wasylow is attending weekly for the NDUS Smart Restart and Pandemic Briefing meetings.
- Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost; discussed staff recognition
- We are continuing to try to post our “caught” feature on our Facebook page each week.
- Staff Senate recommended staff to President Armacost for the UND Provost search committee; staff will be represented.
- Seeds for Staff Success grants submissions were chosen.
- Staff Recognition Committee has organized a boxed breakfast for overnight staff, boxed luncheon, and a boxed pie pickup for State Employee Recognition Month.
- Senate is building out its yearly calendar of events/meetings
- Staff senators assigned to University Senate and U-senate Legislative committee (U-Senate has met once).
- Legislative Committee distributed a survey to senators to help determine senators’ policy priorities/concerns for current fiscal year.
- Senators reviewing website/bylaws.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter
- For our “Welcome to VCSU Team”, we have gotten t-shirts to hand out to new staff members.
- We are working on sending out a “well-being survey” to the staff to help gauge the emotions, safety concerns, and thoughts/ideas that they may have in terms of coming back to work during the pandemic. The results will be given to our Emergency Management Team. We may send this out multiple times during the semester.
- We are also working on staff appreciation events for October and have come up with good ideas by still keeping social distance in mind.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner
- We are a week away from getting formal occupancy for our P-3 project.
- Re-instituting student activities at the end of the month.
- Funding from the City and County have come available to convert our Creighton building to a daycare.

- No Updates Provided.