Update Provided By:
- No updates.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes
- DCB Staff Senate did not meet in June.

Update Provided By:
- No updates.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman
- No Staff Senate meeting for June, however the LRSC Staff Senate Retreat committee met several times during May and June to plan, schedule and coordinate the Staff Senate Retreat scheduled for July 22, 2021.
- LRSC hosted College for Kids June 21st-24th, 2021.

Update Provided By: Heather Bolstad
- Spring/Summer Staff Association Meeting with a twist! 1st Annual Office Olympic Games was enjoyed by all who attended.
- 3 new Senators voted in, with 2 open spots still to fill.
- Attended Summer State Staff Senate Meeting virtually due to budget cuts.
- Heather Bolstad, current Campus President, selected as ND State Staff Senate Vice President & President Elect.
- Upcoming Events: Summer Potluck TBD, July Monthly Staff Senate Meeting

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson
- Linda Conn, admin coordinator for Teacher Education and Kinesiology (TEK) and Teacher Education Unit (TEU), was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s May High Five Award Winner.
- Registrar’s Office received a few Department/Team Shout-outs in May for putting together a very successful graduation ceremony.
- Paul Stroklund resigned as Staff Senate President. At our last meeting, Janese Lehman was elected as the new 2021-22 President. Katy Allers was elected as Vice President, she will become President in the 2022-23 year. Kelly Marchand was elected as Secretary/Treasurer.
- Staff Members have signed up for committees, committee meetings are under way to plan for another successful year of events, professional development and fundraising.
- The annual Fall Kick Off Celebration will take place on August 18 at Roosevelt Park from 4:30-7pm.

Update Provided By:
- No updates.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo
- The Shared Governance Ad Hoc Committee shared the results of a recent survey distributed to all staff. NDSU is working on the creation of a shared governance policy, and these results will help guide staff senate representatives during this process.
- Results of COVID-19 survey were shared.
- Out going staff senators were recognized for their service.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox
- UNDSS Summer Retreat in Bismarck. 3 of us went and discussed system-wide issues with other NDUS staff. State Staff Senate will take up tuition waivers issue more directly.
- Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: July Staff Senate Potluck set for July 14, 2021, at noon at the EERC. Looking into the future for the Staff Recognition with Night employee breakfast, pie social and staff luncheon towards the end of September.
- Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
- Senate discussing partnering with UND on new staff mentoring program AND working with HR and HRC on staff “emergency” fund.
- “Health Resolution” was voted down at the June Staff Senate meeting.

Update Provided By:
- No updates.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens
- We are currently interviewing for a new Housing Director.
- Our Staff Senate President and Vice President will meet to talk about new ideas for Staff Senate for next year.
- Our Wednesday BBQ’s have been a hit so far.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford
- We are welcoming 4 newly elected senators.
- We are actively planning our yearly retreat to open up our new senate year. This retreat is where we elect new officers and plan goals and items for the upcoming year.