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Update Provided By: April Abrahamson
- New students arrived to campus on August 18th for first year experience activities.

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Update Provided By: Mike Wozniak
- Plans to hold our annual State Employee Recognition Week events are complete! We will be having a variety of events, capped by our luncheon, featuring massages and therapy dogs!
- The UND LEADS Strategic Plan Implementation Team has been working towards ways for campus entities to report progress on many initiatives across campus. We are working to find the best way to tell our story!
- UND HR has been working on a new onboarding program for new employees. This will point the focus towards belonging, things to do outside of work, and less about basic HR and job duties. Staff Senate will be supporting this effort through a short video and engagement with new staff upon their hire.
- We have elected 7 interim Senators to help fill empty seats. We are now nearly full!

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