April 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Jessie Meckle
• We hired Dr. Doug Jensen for our new president! He will start in July. He has attended several meetings (via Teams) including our last Staff Senate meeting. We are excited to get to know him better and see what plans he has for BSC!
• The Employee Retention committee held Dr. Larry Skogen (our current President) trivia at the end of March as something to engage people working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak.
• Several sessions are available for employees to attend for Professional Development. Some include a session on Microsoft Teams, Blackboard Collaborate, and Embracing Change.
• BSC continues to operate as a virtual campus with most buildings and offices closed to the public. The Unified Command Leadership Committee hopes to create a plan to bring back employees throughout the summer, but summer courses will remain online.
• The new Staff Senate Representatives have been chosen and will attend the May meeting with the current representatives.
• Advising, tutoring and placement testing is all being done through Teams or remotely at this time. We are still available for students and continue guiding them through the education at BSC.

Update Provided By: Laura Halvorson
• Vendor show has been moved to September19, 2020.
• Staff Senate is hosting a virtual potluck through MS Teams on April 28th
• New officers elected. Heidi Hauf will be the new President. JaLee Lynnes will be the Vice President. Michael O’Toole will be the new secretary.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols • Staff Senate representatives are serving on a committee making recommendations for annual evaluations and merit raises for staff. The committee’s recommendations have made their way to cabinet and have preliminary approval to move forward. • Our Employee Development Committee is looking into various ways to engage with employees given social distancing restrictions. The committee will notify campus of any planned virtual events. • The first two DSU Staff Emeritus designees have accepted and will be announced soon. • The next Staff Senate meeting is schedule for May 6, 2020 @ 1:00pm MT. This will likely be a virtual meeting.

No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Susan Cordahl
• Mayville State University’s April Campus Update
• The Mayville State University Staff Senate met via Zoom on April 14th.
• We discussed volunteer-approved hours for staff. Originally, we were working with the University for a May 1st Day of Giving, where we would be able to complete our Adopt-A-Highway project for the spring without having to take leave. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this has been cancelled. However, we will continue to work with our Cabinet as they seem in support of this project.
• We discussed and voted on the recipients of our 20-21 Comet Pride Scholarship; a scholarship for dependents/spouses of Mayville State University faculty/staff. We are also having discussions about expanding this scholarship to current staff for professional development, classes, etc. We plan to discuss all of this further in future meetings.
• With COVID-19 so present in our lives, we talked about our essential employees; the ones who are still going to campus for work every day and are unable to work from home. We have decided to do something for them in appreciation, to say “Thank You!” Talks of giving them a small gift, or even just an email recognition to say thanks. We will discuss at our May meeting and decide.
• We should have 3 new senators joining us at our May meeting and will do some voting of new officers at that time (VP, Secretary, Treasurer).
• Our next meeting is set for May 12th.
• We hope this finds everyone well and healthy amidst this time of uncertainty with the COVID-19 pandemic upon us.

Update Provided By: Michael Linnell
• Deb Wentz, executive assistant – President’s office, was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s March High Five Award winner.
• Minot State Staff Senate made a lead donation of $500 and started a matching-funds challenge to the MSU Giving Day: Student Emergency Fund. The MSU Development Foundation moved its emphasis from multiple events for Giving Day 2020 to bolstering the Student Emergency Fund. MSU Staff Senate’s lead gift was quickly matched by the generosity of Minot State staff members. To date, the Minot State Student Emergency Fund has 156 gifts for a pre-matching funds total of $33,615.

Update Provided By: Bruce Woytassek
• Guest Speakers
o Cloy Tobola CIO ITS spoke about updates to the policies regarding security cameras.
o Sandi Gilbertson HR Director spoke about updates to policies regarding personnel definitions and overtime.
• Marketing Committee
o Senator Woytassek stated the Article for our March Food Drive was posted in the local newspaper. https://www.wahpetondailynews.com/community/ndscs-staff-senate-creates-successful-food-drive/article_93dfdcb4-7a8f-11ea-993e-ab0831e644d8.html
• Diversity and Equity Report
o Senator Bessler updated: Diversity and Equity team went through how they are getting information to students, faculty and staff.
o SafeZone training is still happening virtually
• Recruitment Committee
o Survey was sent out for election of staff members.

Update Provided By: Megan Bouret
• NDSU has postponed the spring commencement ceremonies until December 2020. Spring graduates will have separate and distinct ceremonies at that time.
• NDSU announced Staff Recognition Award recipients last month
• Philip Hunt, registrar at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City, has been named NDSU registrar. He will start on June 1.
• Some policy changes are being considered for developmental leave (retraining and/or professional development):
o Changes considered:
â–Ş Permitting employees to be eligible for developmental leave every 5 years after 3 years of service
â–Ş Base stipend:
• for leave more than 6 months, up to 75% of salary scheduled
• for leave that is 6 months or less, up to 100% of salary scheduled
o Approved by NDSU Staff Senate on April 1st
o Student Government will vote at their next meeting

Update Provided By: Megan Wasylow
• Friday, April 3 was Special Denim Spirit Day to support UND Angel Fund, a fund that can help students in financial crisis. May 8 is a Special Denim Spirit Day to support NDAD, North Dakota Association for the Disabled. We are continuing to have a Special Denim Spirit Day the first of each Friday, and regular Denim Spirit Days supporting local nonprofits every Friday.
• Staff Senator ballot went out for the UND Staff Senate 2020-2021 election. April was the last meeting for terms ending and May is the start of the new term.
• We are continuing to present a UShine Award Winner of the month, currently via Zoom.
• We are continuing to send a monthly Staff Senate newsletter.
• We are continuing to have communication through our Facebook page.
• We are continuing to take suggestions/comments/questions through our Staff Senate email address and Suggestion Box.
• April Staff Spring Fling Luncheon (collaboration with UND Work Well to include vendors, massages, and therapy dogs) – Canceled event due to COVID-19 social distancing/working remotely.
• Mini Leadership Series. – Currently on hold due to COVID-19 physical distancing/working remotely
• Staff Takeovers – Currently on hold due to COVID-19 physical distancing/working remotely.

Update Provided By: Benjamin Ferguson
• The VCSU Staff Senate has not met this month.
• The VCSU Athletic Department has started an apparel fundraiser sale to help unite Viking Nation and our community. The VCSU One Team One Family store, open until April 22, features a message of solidarity and strength. All VCSU proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Barnes County Food Pantry.
• An update on the Center for the Arts construction project: The first half of the construction documents have been completed, and bid packages will be let soon. A walk-through of the site with potential subcontractors will be held April 30, with bids due on May 7. The anticipated start date for construction is June 1.
• The Commencement ceremony has been postponed. There will be alternative plans for recognition of graduates at the end of the semester.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner
• Jayden Olson was names WSC Athletic Director.

Update Provided By: Crystal Tangsrud
• Our 2020 Professional Development Month is wrapping up with a total of 13 sessions during the month of April all held online so that staff at CTS and the System Office could attend remotely. All but three sessions were presented or hosted by talented CTS staff. Sessions included helpful software and security related topics, health and wellness themed sessions, and presentations on leadership and diversity. In addition, we read through Getting Things Done by David Allen and book discussions were held online through a forum and through Microsoft Teams. The entire month was put on and sponsored by our Senate, Wellness Committees, and senior staff at both the System Office and CTS.

May 2020 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Ashley Mattson
• Bismarck State College voted in the new President, Kara Welk. Vice President, Courtney Reiswig. Secretary, Laurie Niblick.
• We have decided to postpone our June Staff Senate Retreat until we can do something face to face and continue with a virtual monthly meeting for June.

Update Provided By: Laura Halvorson
• DCB hosted a virtual graduation Ceremony May 15th
• Encourage all of our staff/senators continued participation in the planning of reopening for summer events and fall classes
• Welcome to our new senators: Carissa Pollman, Indrani Sasmal, Stacy Allard, and Heather Vestre. Welcome to new officers: Heidi Hauf President, JaLee Lynnes Vice President and Mike O’Toole secretary.
• DCB Staff Senate will plan to host a virtual coffee break/recipe sharing end of May

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols
• Our Staff Senate continues to meet in a digital format and will continue that practice through the remainder of the summer.
• New senators will join us at our July 1st meeting where we will also be electing new executive positions.
• Our employee development committee has been hosting “Conversations with Colleagues” sessions on a variety of topics to keep our staff and faculty engaged during this time of social distancing.
• Our first two Staff Emeritus distinctions have been confirmed and will be celebrated at a future awards event.

Update Provided By: Cathleen Ruch
• Discussing the feasibility of having a LRSC Retreat sometime in August.
• Officer Elections have been tabled until August.
• Continue to keep updated on how staff/faculty are going to be setup on their return to work.
• Submit/claim flex dollars but expenses need to have happened in 2019.

Update Provided By: Alissa Perkins
• Alissa Perkins is now MSU’s Staff Senate President. At our May meeting, Ashley Kulland was voted Vice President/Incoming President and will now join the State Staff Senate meetings. Megan Vig was elected our secretary and Shannon Hofer will be our treasurer again this year.
• For our Comet Pride Scholarships that our Staff Senate gives out each year, we were able to raise enough to award 5 students with a $500 scholarship. We have leftover funds that we will carry over to next year.
• We are hoping to team up with our campus marketing committee to create a campus-wide share calendar for staff and faculty.
• We are working on a Microsoft Teams site for Staff Senators and a public facing website for all staff. We are going to move all documents from SharePoint to either the Teams site or the website to be more accessible for everyone.
• Our campus voted on a winner for our annual Orville Johnson Meritorious Service Award. We usually announce the winner at our annual employee recognition dinner, but since that was cancelled we are working on a way to announce the winner but also make it more special than just an email announcement.

No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Bruce Wotassek
• Guest Speaker – VP Dr. Jane Vangsness-Frisch and Safety Director Ann McGray
o Strategic planning progress update
o Policy updates
â–Ş Risk Management
â–Ş Emergency Notification Procedure
â–Ş AED Policy
â–Ş Emergency Procedures
â–Ş Payroll Check Distribution Policy
â–Ş Appliance Use Policy
• Marketing Committee – Senator Woytassek
o Senator Nordick lead a marketing project to send all NDSCS Employees a “Thank You” for all they are doing at NDSCS (especially during the Pandemic). The Team collaborated with Print Services to send an all campus email with each Staff Senator’s signature and Yard signs to be moved around to the most visible areas at NDSCS Wahpeton and NDSCS Fargo!

Update Provided By: April Helgaas
• NDSU Staff Senate held elections at the May meeting. New senators were elected and open offices were filled.
• The NDSU Staff Senate Staff Development Committee has been hosting some online development sessions for staff working remotely due to COVID-19 and they have been well attended.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill
• The UND Staff Senate met on Wednesday, May 13. Past President Whitney Maine passed her position to President-Elect Megan Wasylow. The group’s new Vice-President is Brian Schill.
• Staff Senate committee leadership will remain largely the same in FY 2020-21.
• We are renaming our Denim Spirit Day to Jeans Give Back to better reflect/promote the philanthropic character of the events. The May 8 Jeans Give Back day took in $180 for the North Dakota Assn. for the Disabled.
• Our “catches” of staff for their work have obviously come to a halt. • “Ushine” efforts continue; an annual UShine winner was named in May. • Seeds for Staff Success professional development program is ongoing. • Given extended campus closure, there will be no July potluck for Staff senate. Options being considered.
• The UND University Senate Exec Committee met on Thursday, May 21. The group discussed mostly updates to the UND Code of Student Life and academic planning for the Fall 2020 semester. There were comments re: campus morale given potential budget issues and faculty/staff worries over PPE and return-to-work, whether the classroom or office space.
• UNDSS waiting on results of several surveys sent to senators re: meeting scheduling, staff professional development needs, and future social events planning.

No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Megan Kasner
• Staff back on campus May 26th with limited campus reopening
• P3 renovation projects are 4 weeks ahead of schedule because of the COVID -19 closures
• WSC has hosted 5 virtual registration days for students and has another planned June 4th/5th

Update Provided By: Crystal Tangsrud
• We are preparing for our yearly Staff Senate Elections and Retreat and closing out the 2019-2020 Staff Senate year strong. This includes completing work on a document for new employees that includes information about committees such as Staff Senate, area information, and employee discounts.