Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes
- Our campus had a spirit week called Smokies. Our Staff Senate sponsored a Snow Sculpture Challenge. Student and Staff were included and created several large pieces of art. Pictured is the Bear Hug. Our campus embraced all of our snow and had a blast.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting
- Staff Senate is looking for staff employees who are interested in assisting with committees.
- Elections for the 2022-23 FY will be coming soon.
- The Appreciation Committee is looking to bring food trucks to campus when the weather warms up.
- The Staff Senate Thoughts & Concerns Advisory Committee has revamped the submission form. Because we want to get back to you regarding your thought/concern, the name field on the form is required, but adding your email address is optional.As the form says, if you wish, you can also contact any Staff Senate member and remain anonymous to the group.
- This month’s Staff Spotlight was Sheri Landenberger, Verification Specialist for Financial Aid. Some fun facts were shared about Sheri in the monthly newsletter.

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes
- We had our regular meeting on February 17th.
- Upcoming events: Spring Break Food Drive, Spring Break Potluck, Vintage Clothing Event.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman
- Our January staff High Five Winner was Andy Heitkamp.
- Feb 4th-11th, Staff Senate hosted a campus-wide Spirit Week with daily dress up days, pizza sponsored and served by Dr. Shirley and President’s Staff as well mini-golf and trivia. Throughout the week we had a scavenger hunt which encouraged teams to include a student, a staff member, and a faculty member and included attending a variety of home athletic games that happened during the week. Our Student Activities Office also planned multiple events for students during the week that included 500 Ways to Win and a pizza lunch. We ended the week with a professional development session on teamwork, lead by our WBB coach, Mike Brandt! It was great to see everyone’s Minot State University Spirit!

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Paula Cox
- Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
- Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
- Events: January 20, 2022, Coffee with Kathy event held via zoom. Tubs of Love for the CVIC and Northland Rescue Mission Backpack program is underway until February 4th, 2022. These events have ended and went very well.
- Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
- Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
- Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees and Staff Senate Committees.

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens
- Our Staff Senate did a candygram fundraiser for Valentines Day.
- We started an employee recognition program which has been going really well
- We created a Staff newsletter called the “Teton Buzz”

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer
- The applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a current employee of CTS or NDUS System Office.
- Applicant must be seeking first associate or bachelor degree.
- Applicant must be enrolled full-time at an NDUS institution during the 2022-23 academic year.