February 2022 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • Our campus had a spirit week called Smokies. Our Staff Senate sponsored a Snow Sculpture Challenge. Student and Staff were included and created several large pieces of art. Pictured is the Bear Hug. Our campus embraced all of our snow and had a blast.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • Staff Senate is looking for staff employees who are interested in assisting with committees.
  • Elections for the 2022-23 FY will be coming soon.
  • The Appreciation Committee is looking to bring food trucks to campus when the weather warms up.
  • The Staff Senate Thoughts & Concerns Advisory Committee has revamped the submission form. Because we want to get back to you regarding your thought/concern, the name field on the form is required, but adding your email address is optional.As the form says, if you wish, you can also contact any Staff Senate member and remain anonymous to the group.
  • This month’s Staff Spotlight was Sheri Landenberger, Verification Specialist for Financial Aid. Some fun facts were shared about Sheri in the monthly newsletter.

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes

  • We had our regular meeting on February 17th.
  • Upcoming events: Spring Break Food Drive, Spring Break Potluck, Vintage Clothing Event.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman

  • Our January staff High Five Winner was Andy Heitkamp.
  • Feb 4th-11th, Staff Senate hosted a campus-wide Spirit Week with daily dress up days, pizza sponsored and served by Dr. Shirley and President’s Staff as well mini-golf and trivia. Throughout the week we had a scavenger hunt which encouraged teams to include a student, a staff member, and a faculty member and included attending a variety of home athletic games that happened during the week. Our Student Activities Office also planned multiple events for students during the week that included 500 Ways to Win and a pizza lunch. We ended the week with a professional development session on teamwork, lead by our WBB coach, Mike Brandt! It was great to see everyone’s Minot State University Spirit!

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Events: January 20, 2022, Coffee with Kathy event held via zoom. Tubs of Love for the CVIC and Northland Rescue Mission Backpack program is underway until February 4th, 2022. These events have ended and went very well.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
  • Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
  • Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees and Staff Senate Committees.

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • Our Staff Senate did a candygram fundraiser for Valentines Day.
  • We started an employee recognition program which has been going really well
  • We created a Staff newsletter called the “Teton Buzz”

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer

  • The applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a current employee of CTS or NDUS System Office.
  • Applicant must be seeking first associate or bachelor degree.
  • Applicant must be enrolled full-time at an NDUS institution during the 2022-23 academic year.

January 2022 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Roni Martin

  • Talked about the new Electronic Evaluations.
  • Goals of the BSC SEM Team.
  • Committees: Ideas for upcoming events.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • Staff Senate sponsored a potluck for faculty and staff on January 6th. The event turned out great with a large number of employees participating!
  • Staff Senate’s 2nd Annual Tree Decorating Contest was a success!  Thank you to all who entered their trees.  The results of the contest are as follows:
    • 1st Place – Jordan Panganiban’s Tree
    • 2nd Place – Leslie Ramos’ Tree
    • 3rd Place – Osborne Tree
  • Staff Senate is reaching out to all Staff Employees who are interested in assisting with DSU Staff Senate committees.
  • Nominations are open for the 2022 1st Quarter Above & Beyond Award.

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes

  • Staff Senate meeting was postponed for January – no updates.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman

  • MSU has the following winners for our monthly award for staff:
    • November High Five winner: Mindy Rudnick
    • December High Five winner: Audrey Livingston
  • We also awarded our annual Staff Senate Scholarship to Kelby Armstrong.

Update Provided By:

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo

  • NDSU Staff Senate did not meet in January. No updates.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Finished the 31 Days of Glory and was a huge success given the pandemic.
  • Events: January 20, 2022 – Coffee wiht Kathy event held via Zoom; Tubs of Love for the CVC and Northland Rescue Mission Backpack Program is underway until February 4, 2022.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
  • Continue with Monthly UShine Awards.
  • Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate Committees and Staff Senate Committees.
  • UND HR and TTaDA are resurrecting our Staff Mentoring program and is underway.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • We are planning a staff appreciation event on February 4th at a double-header basketball game.
  • We are continuing to welcome new staff through greetings and handing out a VCSU t-shirt.

Update Provided By:

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer

  • NDUS/CTS is currently accepting scholarship applications until March 1st. This is an annual scholarship with the following criteria :
    • The applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a current employee of CTS or NDUS System Office.
    • Applicant must be seeking first associate or bachelor degree.
    • Applicant must be enrolled full-time at an NDUS institution during the 2022-23 academic year.

December 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Roni Martin

  • brief video on 4DX
  • Employee Success committee-still doing welcome gift and greeting for new employee’s, donuts and $1.00 off coffee coupons in January
  • Foundation made $3600 off basket raffle
  • HR is starting a new on-boarding process that will happen twice a month for new employee’s to make the process run more smoothly and ease new employee’s into the campus life.
  • talked about what area’s the advertising dollars and time are focusing on.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • Our campus social of Holidays Around the World was a great success. Each department choose a country to celebrate. The department provided some background, decorations and a treat from their country. It was a great social time around campus and we all learned something.
  • We held a Secret Santa event on campus. It is a great way to meet other people on campus you may not interact with daily.
  • Staff Senate is sponsoring a student event called Smokey’s Week. To be held in February. This is similar to a homecoming event. We are sponsoring a snow sculpting event for the students. This will be a great way to interact with the students coming back for the spring 2022 semester.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • Staff Senate hosted the annual Goodie Gobble on Tuesday, December 14th. This event is planned to provide treats for students, faculty, and staff on a day during finals week.
  • Staff Senate held the 2nd annual Tree Decorating Contest.
  • Congratulations to the 4th Quarter Above & Beyond Award recipients –
    • Annika Plummer – Administrative Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Technical Studies
    • Taylor Thiel – Computer Network Maintenance Technician, Information Technology Services
    • Monica Watson – Professional Advisor/Tutoring Center Specialist, SOAR Center
  • The Staff Senate Thoughts & Concerns Advisory Committee has updated and revamped the Thoughts & Concerns Submission Form. This form provides and avenue for Staff members to submit any thoughts and/or concerns they have. The committee receives the submissions, researches a solution, and reports back to the individual and/or the staff body. Staff members may remain anonymous by contacting a Staff Senate member and requesting anonymity.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes

  • Staff Senate hosted a holiday decorating contest. Staff and faculty were encouraged to decorate their office/division in the theme of a Christmas song. The Peer Leaders were the judges.
  • The staff senate organized a bake sale on December 13th with all proceeds going to the Comet Pride scholarship.

Update Provided By: Janese Lehman

  • Our Holiday Decorating winners for departments decorations were as follows: 1st Honors/IS/Leadership, 2nd Nursing, 3rd ASC/Power
  • Our Holiday Door Decorating winners were 1st VPAA, 2nd, Business Office 1, 3rd Business Office 2, and 4th NDCPD.
  • We are wrapping up our Minot State Bucket List to promote employees to visit other parts of campus, participate in events, and get to know other people across campus.
  • We will have a de-escalation training for our January professional development and we will have Michael Brandt (Head Women’s Basketball coach) as well as another athletic coach (TBD) presenting on Teamwork in February for professional development.
  • Our December High Five winner will be recognized/announced in early January.
  • We are planning a Spirit week Feb 4th-11th with a variety of events for our campus community.

Update Provided By:

  • No update provided.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo

  • The Scholarship Committee has been holding fundraising events.
  • The Environmental Sustainability Committee offered Christmas light recycling during November and December.
  • A Staff Senate Hot Chocolate Social was held on December 10th.
  • Senators continue to work on a shared governance framework, in conjunction with Faculty Senators, Student Government representatives, and Administration. The group aims to have a draft before the July 1 target start date for the next NDSU President.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Events: December Staff Senate Social Gathering for December 8, 2021 at the Memorial Union. Dinner with the Armacosts on December 8th for 6 staff members plus President and First Lady Armacost.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
  • Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
  • The endowment with UND Alumni Association & Foundation to grow Seeds for Staff Success funds has been approved and is now in place.
  • Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees.
  • Assigning staffers to various Staff Senate committees.
  • Start working on putting a UND PTO for Volunteering committee together
  • UND HR and TTaDA are resurrecting our Staff Mentoring program and should be underway soon.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • On October 29th we had Trail of Treats on campus. We also held a Staff Senate Bake Sale which was a BIG success.
  • In December, Staff Senate will be having an event called “Wrap and Roll.” This is where staff, faculty, & students can bring in their Christmas gifts and we will wrap them for them.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer

  • The NDUS/CTS is currently accepting scholarship applications until March 1st. This is an annual scholarship with the following criteria:
    • The applicant’s parent or legal guardian must be a current employee of CTS or NDUS System Office.
    • Applicant must be seeking first associate or bachelor degree.
    • Applicant must be enrolled full-time at an NDUS institution during the 2022-23 academic year.

October 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By: Roni Martin

  • Poly Tech curriculum development was talked about, possible 4 year programs.
  • Advertising and marketing ideas and areas.
  • Employee Success committee, boo grams and new hire welcome gifts.
  • Professional Development Committee, Survey on how to spend education development funds.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • We held a bake sale to raise funds for Phi Theta Kappa student sponsorships. We raised enough to sponsor 3 students.
  • We hosted a pumpkin decorating and costume contests. Our Student Senate helped in judging the entries.
  • We are planning our Holiday Social themed as Holidays Around the World.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • The next Staff Senate Meeting is scheduled for November 3rd.
  • The Appreciation Committee is hosting the annual Halloween Costume Contest. Prizes will be given in three categories for the best costume – student, employee, and group.
  • The Staff Development Committee will be hosting a Mental Health Awareness session in November.
  • DSU Staff Senate is looking into ways to assist new staff employees with becoming familiar with campus and welcoming them as they are hired.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates submitted.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes

  • Fall Staff Association Meeting was held on October 21st which included updates from our staff senate president, Heather Bolstad and campus president, Dr. Brian Van Horn.
  • Started monthly Director meetings to increase communication across campus which is one of our goals. Upcoming events: Coins for Comets, Holiday Decorating contest, and Staff Senate bake sale.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates submitted.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates submitted.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates submitted.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • S
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost. 
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits. 
  • Events: Engagement Committee will hold its first Get Back Together event at UP North Pizza Pub in East Grand Forks, on Thursday, October 28th. We are selling our 31 Days of Glory tickets. December Staff Senate Social Gathering for December 8, 2021 at the Memorial Union.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle. 
  • Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
  • The endowment with UND Alumni Association & Foundation to grow Seeds for Staff Success funds has been approved and is now in place.
  • Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees.
  • Assigning staffers to various Staff Senate committees.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • Staff Senate is planning a Halloween contest to boost staff morale and increase social experiences.
  • We are planning to clean the highway ditch as faculty & staff next week.
  • We advocated and helped plan a mental health during COVID webinar for our employees sponsored by Prairie St Johns. The webinar is the first step to receive a stipend from the institutions COVID-19 funding. The other steps are to watch 3 videos on SafeColleges that promote mental well being and wellness for our employees. They were then given 2 hours of paid professional development time (to be worked out with their supervisor) to complete a wellness activity to increase healthy self-care and coping strategies during this stressful time.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates submitted.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer

  • NDUS/CTS Staff Senate met on October 13th. We have a lot of activities planned.
  • Staying Connected Committee had it’s first virtual Coffee Half Hour – ‘Take a break’ scheduled in October for any employee to join. This has been a popular event, and the committee plans to schedule one per month until May 2022. The committee is also sponsoring a ‘Door Decorating Contest’, with entries due by October 29th. There will be two prizes, one for the best Fall theme and one for the best Halloween theme.
  • Philanthropy Committee is holding a food pantry drive from October 11-29. The committee has drop off locations in Fargo, Grand Forks, and Bismarck.
  • FUNdraising Committee is coordinating a virtual Bake Sale that will take place towards the end of October.

September 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • Next meeting is on October 15, 2021.
  • Staff Senate chose a recipient for our 21-22 Staff Senate Scholarship. These funds are raised by a vendor show put on by our Staff Senate.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • Next meeting is scheduled for October 5, 2021.
  • The Appreciation Committee brought the So Chill Treat Truck on campus on September 9th. Planning is ongoing for the Halloween Costume Contest, Goody Gobble, and Tree Decorating Contest.
  • The Fundraising Committee is planning a 50/50 raffle to be held around the time of Homecoming.
  • The Employee Development Committee is working on planning professional development opportunities for staff and faculty.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes

  • Staff Senate’s September meeting: finalized Farmer’s Bowl plans and our State Employee Recognition Week plans. Fall Staff Association meeting plans are in full swing.
  • Mayville State’s Farmer’s Bowl festivities included a 5K Fun Run, Parade, Hot Dog/Corn Feed, Football Game, and Sportsman’s Raffle. Staff Senate helped facilitate the Fun Run. Staff Senate also sponsored a “Best Seat in the House” which was a big hit at the football game!
  • The TV show: Small Town Big Deal had their crew here for the Farmer’s Bowl.
  • Next meeting: October 21st.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Nick Kraft

  • The NDSCS Presidential search committee has been selected and both the Staff Senate President Leslie Shirek and Vice President Nick Kraft have been selected to be on it. Our first meeting is October 12th.
  • Our new Vice President for Instruction, Dr. Lisa Karch, begins her employment on Monday, October 4th.
  • NDSCS is hosting the SBHE meeting this month. Our Culinary Arts Students will be providing breakfast and lunch for the meeting.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates provided.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Events: Engagement Committee held it’s first in person Coffee with Kathy at the new Memorial Union on September 22nd. We had 8 people in attendance. Potato Bowl Parade Staff Senate representation with a vehicle and senators. Staff Recognition with Night employee breakfast, Sweet tooth social and staff luncheon to be held on September 29th and 30th. Looking into the future: 31 Days of Glory start selling in October. December Staff Senate Potluck.
  • UND held flu shot clinics on September 20th and 24th at the Pollard Athletic Center.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
  • Seeds for Staff Success applications have been awarded.
  • Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
  • Senate finishing up its 2021-22 budget process.
  • The UND Staff Senate has secured a partnership with the UND’s Shared Service Center for financial matters.
  • The endowment with UND Alumni Association & Foundation to grow Seeds for Staff Success funds has been approved and not just need to decide the amount to continue.
  • Still working on assigning staffers to various University Senate committees.
  • Assigning staffers to various Staff Senate committees.
  • Retha Mattern and Brian Schill met with Dr. Casey Ryan in regards to the Tuition Waivers and are awaiting feedback from SBHE.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • Our sub-committees are focusing on boosting staff morale with planning of potlucks and Halloween contest. We have Difference Maker awards to hand out next month. We are planning a Highway Cleanup in October to coincide with a potluck to get more employees to help with cleanup with the enticement of eating beforehand. We participated in the Valley City High School Homecoming Parade last week and we will be participating in the VCSU Homecoming Parade this weekend. Staff appreciation committee is planning events for November and December. Our cabinet is looking into supporting webinars/trainings for staff that includes stipends/compensation for professional development (similar to what faculty members are currently receiving).

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • Staff Senate is working on publishing their first newsletter around the 2nd week of October.
  • We are also working on creating a staff recognition program.
  • On October 15, 2021 we will be having our Presidential Inauguration.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer

  • NDUS/CTS Staff Senate met on September 8th. Committees established this year are currently meeting to discuss the goals and activities for this year. More updates in the following months.

August 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • No updates at this time.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • DSU Staff Senate’s next meeting is September 1st.
  • Fundraising Committee is planning events to raise funds for the Staff Senate Scholarship and Staff Appreciation opportunities.
  • Employee Development Committee is working on professional development opportunities to bring to campus.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Teresa Agnes

  • Mayville State University has been busy welcoming back students! There have been a number of activities including yard games, a street dance, and a drive in movie.
  • President Van Horn gave an address to all faculty and staff.
  • Staff Senate hosted an end of the summer potluck on August 11th.
  • August Monthly Staff Senate meeting – elected VP and Secretary.
  • Planning for Farmer’s Bowl Festivities is in full commence for our “It’s a Big Deal” celebration weekend.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Nick Kraft

  • We have finished the remodel of our welding lab just in time for the start of the academic year.
  • We are currently in the final stages of remodel of our school bookstore.
  • We are in the process of selecting nominees for the Presidential Selection Committee, to find the replacement for our president after his retirement this December. We have nominated Leslie Shirek and me, as we are the Staff Senate President and VP, in the hopes that Staff Senate will have some direct representation in the selection process.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo

  • No update. NDSU Staff Senate did not meet in August.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost. 
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits. 
  • Events: Coffee with Kathy starts again on September 22, in the Memorial Union. Potato Bowl Parade Staff Senate representation with a vehicle and senators. Staff Recognition with Night employee breakfast, pie social and staff luncheon towards the end of September. Looking into the future: 31 Days of Glory start selling mid-October.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle. 
  • Seeds for Staff Success applications have been received and will be awarded.
  • Continue with the Monthly UShine awards.
  • Senate finishing up its 2021-22 budget process.
  • Exploring partnership with UND’s Shared Service Center for financial matters
  • Exploring establishing an endowment with UND Alumni Association & Foundation to grow Seeds for Staff Success funds and to better benefit staff professional development.
  • Assigning staffers to various University Senate committees.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • Welcomed our new members to staff senate.
  • We had a hot dog lunch and lawn-game day (afternoon) for our staff before the semester started.
  • Our staff also welcomed our new staff employees with t-shirts.
  • Our broadband meetings are scheduled at the end of the semester.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • No updates.

Updates Provided By: Ramona Breuer

  • CTSO Staff Senate did not meet in August.
  • Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8th.

July 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • No updates at this time.

Update Provided By: Laura Fetting

  • DSU Staff Senate held elections of officers.
    • President – Wynter Miller
    • Vice President/President-Elect – Laura Fetting
    • Secretary/Treasurer – Samantha Wohletz
  • The following individuals were awarded the Above and Beyond Award for the quarter –
    • Andreea Evenson – Dept. Arts & Letters and Dept. Social Sciences
    • Laura Fetting – Information Technology Services
    • Tim Fitterer – Facility Operations
    • Stephanie Osborne – Admissions

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Leslie Shirek

  • NDSCS Staff Senate held a Team Building BBQ luncheon in June in appreciation for all the work Staff does throughout the year. Bonus was we were able to get an ice cream truck to come and top off the event with cold treats. It was a great way to enjoy the outdoors and converse with some fellow employees.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo

  • NDSU Staff Senate did not meet in July.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • Our new President, Dr. Hirning started July 1st.
  • We hired a new Men’s Basketball Coach and Women’s Softball Coach
  • Staff Senate did not meet in July. Our next meeting will be August 16th
  • Currently have some Staff Positions available.

Updates Provided By:

  • No updates.

June 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: JaLee Lynnes

  • DCB Staff Senate did not meet in June.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman

  • No Staff Senate meeting for June, however the LRSC Staff Senate Retreat committee met several times during May and June to plan, schedule and coordinate the Staff Senate Retreat scheduled for July 22, 2021.
  • LRSC hosted College for Kids June 21st-24th, 2021.

Update Provided By: Heather Bolstad

  • Spring/Summer Staff Association Meeting with a twist! 1st Annual Office Olympic Games was enjoyed by all who attended.
  • 3 new Senators voted in, with 2 open spots still to fill.
  • Attended Summer State Staff Senate Meeting virtually due to budget cuts.
  • Heather Bolstad, current Campus President, selected as ND State Staff Senate Vice President & President Elect.
  • Upcoming Events: Summer Potluck TBD, July Monthly Staff Senate Meeting

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Linda Conn, admin coordinator for Teacher Education and Kinesiology (TEK) and Teacher Education Unit (TEU), was named Minot State University Staff Senate’s May High Five Award Winner.
  • Registrar’s Office received a few Department/Team Shout-outs in May for putting together a very successful graduation ceremony.
  • Paul Stroklund resigned as Staff Senate President. At our last meeting, Janese Lehman was elected as the new 2021-22 President. Katy Allers was elected as Vice President, she will become President in the 2022-23 year. Kelly Marchand was elected as Secretary/Treasurer.
  • Staff Members have signed up for committees, committee meetings are under way to plan for another successful year of events, professional development and fundraising.
  • The annual Fall Kick Off Celebration will take place on August 18 at Roosevelt Park from 4:30-7pm.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Al Bernardo

  • The Shared Governance Ad Hoc Committee shared the results of a recent survey distributed to all staff. NDSU is working on the creation of a shared governance policy, and these results will help guide staff senate representatives during this process.
  • Results of COVID-19 survey were shared.
  • Out going staff senators were recognized for their service.

Update Provided By: Paula Cox

  • UNDSS Summer Retreat in Bismarck. 3 of us went and discussed system-wide issues with other NDUS staff. State Staff Senate will take up tuition waivers issue more directly.
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Events: July Staff Senate Potluck set for July 14, 2021, at noon at the EERC. Looking into the future for the Staff Recognition with Night employee breakfast, pie social and staff luncheon towards the end of September.
  • Continuing to discuss a variety of tuition waiver benefit questions, increasingly a big issue to tackle.
  • Senate discussing partnering with UND on new staff mentoring program AND working with HR and HRC on staff “emergency” fund.
  • “Health Resolution” was voted down at the June Staff Senate meeting.

Update Provided By:

  • No updates.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • We are currently interviewing for a new Housing Director.
  • Our Staff Senate President and Vice President will meet to talk about new ideas for Staff Senate for next year.
  • Our Wednesday BBQ’s have been a hit so far.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We are welcoming 4 newly elected senators.
  • We are actively planning our yearly retreat to open up our new senate year. This retreat is where we elect new officers and plan goals and items for the upcoming year.

May 2021 Campus Updates

Update Provided By:

  • No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • Election of Officers was held:
    • President: JaLee Lynnes
    • Vice President: Carissa Pollman
    • Secretary/Treasurer: Heather Vestre
  • We welcomed our New Senators:
    • Student Services: April Abrahamson
    • Plant Services: Chris Nero
    • IT: Josephine Leader

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Next Meeting June 2, 2021 @ 1:00pm via Zoom.
  • DSU Staff Senate hosted a well attended employee social on Wednesday, May 19th as a “thank you” to a job well done this academic year. There were refreshments, a raffle, and even an opportunity to try out some esports equipment.
  • The Staff Senate scholarship committee is currently reviewing applicants for 2021-2022 awards.

Update Provided By: Mike Englman

  • LRSC All Campus Meeting May 7, 2021
  • LRSC Staff Senate Meeting May 11, 2021
  • LRSC Graduation May 14, 2021 (10:00am)
  • LRSC Nursing Pinning May 14, 2021 (1:00pm)
  • LRSC Staff retreat and planning meeting May 18, 2021

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • Finalized the Spring/Summer Association schedule and the Office Olympic Games to follow.
  • Discussed the Staff Senate survey that focuses on staff events/goals for campus/committees and the preferred methods of communication.
  • Briefly discussed our dress code policy in comparison to other institutions.
  • Started planning Fall events, such as Homecoming and Farmers Bowl.
  • Senators who have served their terms: Susan Cordahl, Shannon Hofer, Teri Wright. We thanked them for their service to Staff Senate.
  • Upcoming Events: Staff Association Meeting

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Mainda Kragh, Research Associate for North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities (NDCPD), was named Minot State University’s April High Five Award winner.
  • Elections have concluded, 14 new members have been elected/re-elected for 2021-23.
    • Lindsey Benson, Financial Aid
    • Dianne Bosser, NDCPD
    • Sydney Clark, Enrollment Services
    • Linda Conn, Teacher Education and Kinesiology
    • Abigail Graves, Residence Life and Housing
    • Celeste Hauser, Registrar’s Office
    • Penny Lipsey, Facilities Management
    • Holly Major, POWER Center
    • Kelli Marchand, Financial Aid
    • Heather Martin, Academic Support Center
    • Matthew Murken, Men’s Basketball
    • Jessica Reiswig, NDCPD
    • Kelli Sem, POWER Center
    • Doug Tiedman, Office of Instructional Technology
  • Paul Stroklund will be the 2021-22 Staff Senate President, officers will be elected in our June meeting.
  • Special Events Committee presented a check for $1,000 to the Minot Area Homeless Coalition, funds were raised from our spring Silent Auction.
  • 50:50 Raffle: sold 370 tickets (over 100 more than our previous best). We gave away 20 cash prizes ranging from $500 to fifteen $50 winners. After prizes were given away, we earned $1,925 that we will put towards our Staff Senate Scholarship.
  • Public Relations Committee will hold it’s last Dine to Donate event for the year at Starving Rooster on May 25.

Update Provided By:

  • No update submitted.

Update Provided By: April Helgaas

  • NDSU Staff Senate held elections at the May 5th meeting. Fred Hudson was named President Elect, Joshua Schroetter assumed his role as current President, Shiloh Susag was named Secretary, and several other elected committee positions were filled.
  • The Gunkleman award ceremony was held on Friday, May 7th. Susan Council, senior academic advisor in the College of Business, was recognized with the Mary McCannel Gunkelman Award. The annual honor is given to the person who makes the most unselfish contribution to creating a happy environment for NDSU students. A virtual ceremony and reception were held via Zoom honoring Council and the other 31 award nominees.
  • NDSU Staff Senate Campus Engagement committee will hold a blood drive on June 16th.
  • NDSU Staff Senate Recognition committee has just completed the nominations for the NDSU Staff Recognition awards. These awards will be announced at a virtual ceremony held during the June 2nd NDSU Staff Senate meeting.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • SS Committee (co-)chairs set; assigning senators to committees now.
  • Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
  • Finishing up SS monthly calendar and 2020 annual report.
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with UND Pres. Armacost.
  • Community Relatiosn Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • Events: Staff bingo moderately well-received; planning for July potluck event outdoors; the (last of the year) May “Coffee with Kathy (Armacost)” was very successful.
  • Senate discussing partnering with UND on new staff mentoring program AND working with HR and HRC on staff “emergency” fund.
  • Senate will vote on “health resolution” at June meeting.

Update Provided By:

  • No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Kristina Kitchens

  • Dr. Bernell Hirning will officially start July 1st as our new President.
  • Tanya Vachal will start June 1st as our new HR.
  • We will start our Wednesday BBQ’s this week.

Updates Provided By:

  • No update submitted.

April 2021 Campus Updates

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  • No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Heidi Hauf

  • We raised $975 for the Staff Senate Scholarship at this spring’s vendor show.

Update Provided By: Josh Nichols

  • Next Meeting May 5, 2021 @ 1:00pm via Zoom.
  • DSU Staff Senate will be hosting an employee social on Wednesday, May 19th as a “thank you” to a job well done this academic year.
  • Three were given emeritus status this year. We congratulate them and thank them for their years of dedication to Dickinson State University.
    • Joanne Fields – 18 years
    • Donald Tormaschy – 22 years
    • Anthony Willer – 16 years
  • The lists below are the various staff members who are exiting their roles as senators and those who will be serving our staff for the upcoming year. We appreciate their hard work and willingness to volunteer in these roles. These seats will be in effect as of July 1st, 2021.
    • Senators Continuing Terms
      • Johnna Douthit – Assistant Director/VA Certifying Official | Academic Records
      • Laura Fetting – Technology Education Coordinator | Information Technology Services
      • Christopher Meek – Director | Financial Aid
      • Wynter Miller (Incoming President) – Director/PDSO | Multicultural Affairs
      • Josh Nichols (Ex-officio, Past President) – Creative Services Specialist | University Relations
      • Stephanie Osborne – Professional Advisor/Career Development Specialist | Student Affairs
      • Samantha Wohletz – Online Professional Advisor & Testing Center Specialist | Student Opportunity and Resource (SOAR) Center
    • Newly Elected Senators
      • Alecia Dukart – SoBE Coordinator | School of Business and Entrepreneurship
      • Alicia Erickson – Development Officer – Alumni | DSU Heritage Foundation
      • Laurie Heick – Administrative Secretary | Department of Mathematics & Computer Science & Department of Natural Sciences
      • Mikka Maher – Controller | Business Affairs
      • Betsy Murphy – Administrative Assistant | Department of Health & Physical Education & Office of Intercollegiate Athletics
      • Monica Watson – Professional Advisor/Tutoring Center Specialist | Student Opportunity and Resource (SOAR) Center
    • Exiting Senators
      • Cassidy Dolechek, University Communication Specialist | University Relations
      • Connie Klein – Payroll Manager | Human Resources
      • Jennifer Zier – Office Assitant | Human Resources

Update Provided By:

  • No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Alyson Beckman

  • Guests: President Dr. Van Horn and Vice President Academic Affairs Dr. Tami Such discussed the budget and answered our questions.
  • Spring/Summer Association Meeting – discussed to host in June. Heather would like to survey the staff on what efforts from Staff Senate are appreciated versus not to re-evaluate our efforts.
  • Terms of Senators – Secretary shared proposed plan for identifying terms for senators who take over roles after the previous senator leaves MaSU/Senate.
  • Int he works: Gratitude Campaign activities, Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer Project, Farmer’s Bowl.

Update Provided By: Lindsey Benson

  • Lauralee Dammen, Administrative Assistant in IT Central, was named Minot State University’s March High Five Award winner.
  • Student Health and IT received Department/Team Shout-outs in March.
  • Election committee is tallying the election results and working on electing staff for the upcoming year.
  • Staff Satisfaction survey is open for staff members to complete and is due at the end of April.
  • Special Events Committee held a silent auction and raised $1,000, this year’s recipient will go to the Minot Homeless Coalition.
  • Public Relations committee has been busy with Dine to Donate events and will be wrapping up our last one in May.
  • Staff Senate provided $1,000 to do a 1:1 match on MSU Giving Day, we raised $855 on giving day for a total of $1,855 to put towards our Staff Senate Scholarship.
  • Currently updating our Bylaws and Staff Handbook.

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  • No updated submitted.

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  • No update submitted.

Update Provided By: Brian Schill

  • Elections complete: Senate VP-elect is Paula Cox. She will work with Incoming Pres. Brian Schill on UND Staff Senate matters. Elections were very successful overall – large number of new and returning senators for May 2021 (roster almost full).
  • SS Continuing to present UShines to one staffer/month.
  • Senate leadership held its monthly meeting with Pres. Armacost.
  • April guest speaker was Dr. Sean Valentine re: “Motivation in the Workplace.”
  • SS collected donations for a staff member who lost her home in a fire.
  • The April “Coffee with Kathy (Armacost)” was very successful (again).
  • Senate VP Brian Schill leading State Staff Senate Tuition Waiver Working Group; held second meeting now with reps. of two universities’ tuition waiver/enrollment staff.
  • Community Relations Committee continues to run Jeans Give Back every Friday, donating to local nonprofits.
  • April events: Spring Fling, Barry Brode on “Optimism 101” were both successful and well-received.
  • Future events: Staff bingo forthcoming.

Update Provided By: Kelsie Carter

  • We are planning an in-person Employee Recognition dinner at a big local venue.
  • The Parade Rally in the Valley be taking place this summer and VCSU will have a float in the parade.
  • We are also trying to plan a staff picnic that would take place in May.
  • We are continuing our “Difference Makers” awards and will be posting recognition on our website.

Update Provided By:

  • No update submitted.

Updates Provided By: Benjamin Ford

  • We announced the winner of our yearly scholarship.
  • April 21 we had a trivia afternoon with prizes awarded.
  • Our bi-monthly teams coffee chats have been very successful in keeping people interacting.
  • Working on new senator nomination and elections.